Saturday, December 18, 2021

Red or Blue Pill: The Blue the Story Ends — The Red Deeper into the Rabbit Hole


Rabbit Hole Just Ahead: Red Tie Included
Pill Analogy: GOP Red DEMS Blue

How do we define insanity 2021 going into 2022 insanity – not a trick question, either … check out here this story from NEWSWEEK with this headline – insanity defined for sure:

Nearly 1 in 5 Republicans Still Say It’s Likely Trump Will Be Reinstated by Year's End

Nearly one in five Republicans still believe it is likely that Trump will be reinstated as president by the end of the year, even as only a few weeks remain in 2021. An Economist-YouGov poll conducted December 12-14 found:

·  Nine present of Republicans believe it “very likely.”

·  Another 9% believe it is “somewhat likely.”

·  Some 15% said they “were not sure.”

·  A total of 49% of those polled said “not likely at all.”

·  Another 17% said it is “not very likely.”

The poll surveyed 1,500 U.S. adults, including 1,267 registered voters. It carries a margin of error of plus or minus 2.9%, or 3% for registered voters. 

As the year draws to a close, the number of Republicans who believe Trump will be reinstated has dropped.

When pollsters inquired about the potential of his reinstatement in November, more than a quarter of Republicans said it was likely with 13% saying it was “very likely” and 15% said “somewhat likely.”

The number of Democrats who think Trump may be reinstated increased from November 10% responded with “very or somewhat likely” in December, up from 8% one month earlier.

Some Trump supporters claimed throughout this year that Trump would eventually make a return to the presidency.

They set several dates they thought he would return to power, including March 4 and August 13 — yet each date passed without him being reinstated.

Even in November a group of QAnon conspiracy believers gathered in Dallas with some believing that John F. Kennedy Jr. would appear there and announce Trump as president, but that event of course never materialized.

Trump himself, in remarks to the conservative media outlet “Real America's Voice,” said in September he could be reinstated due to “tremendous voter fraud” simply repeating another unproven claim that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him by widespread election fraud.

The show’s host, Gina Loudon, asked the former president during his rally in GA:When the country would get President Trump back?”  

Trump responded:Well we're going to see. There's been tremendous voter fraud. And it's being revealed on a daily basis and we'll see what happens.”

Some Trump allies in Congress, however, have pushed back against the theory

For example, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) said in July: “I would hate for anyone to get their hopes up thinking that President Trump is going to be back in the White House in August because that's not true.”

Even if authorities uncovered widespread voter fraud — which they have not — there is no mechanism for Trump to be reinstated, and as noted by Barbara McQuade, a University of MI law professor and former U.S. attorney told Newsweek in November: “Even if some new revelation somehow proved that Trump had lost the 2020 election because of fraud, the result would not be to reinstate Trump.”

Other Articles that Define this GOP’s Insanity:

·  A Kennedy Responds to QAnon Fixation on Dallas, JFK, and JFK Jr.

·  Mike Lindell (MyPillow Guy) to Spend “Whatever It Takes” to Claim that Trump Won in 2020 – He Already Spent $25M

·  This Republican Party is Not Worth Saving

·  I’ve Witnessed the Decline of the Republican Party

GOP under Donald J. Trump's control

My 2 Cents: I’m not a shrink nor have I ever played one on TV, but boy-oh-boy does the above article and links therein define insanity to a perfect Trump “T” … I hope you enjoyed this post.

Now, let’s all work together and move our country forward and not any deeper down this abyss to who knows where? That’s what we always do in such stressful times. Now is that time.

Thanks for stopping by.

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