Sunday, November 14, 2021

Move to Texas: Anti-Vaxx; Democratic Progress; Women's Rights; Etc. Etc.

Gov. Abbott & AG Paxton: Anti-Everything

As soon as I read the following article I had to post about it:

Story here from re: Biden’s COVID vaccine mandate with this headline:

“Appeals court reaffirms stay on Biden workplace vaccine mandate, cites severe risks”

Full article below (key parts for my emphasis remarks boxed off):

A federal appeals court reaffirmed its decision Friday to enact a stay on President Joe Biden's workplace vaccination mandate following a legal challenge from Texas and several other states.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ordered the Labor Department's Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to:Take no steps to implement or enforce the Mandate until further court order.”

The decision was the latest development in what is expected to be a lengthy legal battle over the mandate's legality. 

Texas AG Ken Paxton, a vocal critic of the workplace vaccine mandate, lauded the court's decision on Twitter:

Paxton’s statement:Citing Texas' compelling arguments, the 5th Circuit has stayed OSHA's unconstitutional & illegal private-business vaccine mandate. WE WON! Litigation will continue, but this is a massive victory for Texas & FREEDOM from Biden's tyranny & lawlessness.”

First is my reminder to AG Paxton: – This vaccine mandate helps protect people from the pandemic. In simple terms: It protects human life that means people in non-Texas lingo. Not like the Texas gross and unconstitutional SB-8 law against a woman’s right to choose an abortion, cited as “A Cruel New Twist” –

While SB-8 is called a “six-week” abortion ban, in reality the Texas law is a near-total ban on abortion. 

Women would have to contend with many logistical, legal, and financial hurdles in the small window of time they might have between realizing and confirming they are pregnant (even at 6 weeks) and then scheduling and obtaining their abortion — all while navigating myriad other abortion restrictions (limits on places to go; driving distance, cost, and mental anguish).

Twelve other states have enacted bans on abortion early in pregnancy, but all have been blocked from going into effect as being blatantly unconstitutional. 

While any six-week abortion ban is a radical and immensely harmful measure in its own right, Texas went much further. Abortion restrictions typically rely on the state for enforcement. SB 8 is designed to be insulated from federal court intervention by leaving enforcement up to individuals, and even gives people financial incentive to do so.

The Texas bill also allows anyone, anywhere to sue people involved in providing abortion care or practical support to patients and win a prize of $10,000 or more. This would open the floodgates for lawsuits, bury clinics under frivolous court cases and legal fees, and likely make it impossible for many providers to remain open and for most patients to get care before the six-week cutoff. 

This bill is now dubbed the “sue thy neighbor law.”   

My 2 Cents: Gov. Abbott and AG Paxton are in my view not only anti-abortion but anti-women, anti-Biden, anti-democracy, and well just plainly thugs out to screw the nation as a whole -  just leave us alone Cir. 1865. 

Paxton even labeled President Biden a “tyrant” (in his tweet - um, seems he forgot Trump and his destructive antics)? 

Those two and others in the TX GOP act like they can do anything they want and now also to fork over $10,000 as a bounty for reporting women who invoke their constitutional right.

So, what’s next: Abbott & Paxton billboards all over reading:Bring ‘em in Dead or Alive for even bigger cash rewards.”

Abbott and Paxton simply two horrible pathetic “leaders” who are anti-everything that's decent. They couldn’t pay me to live in Texas.

Texas is a horribly-run state who still thinks they are a nation within themselves ready to secede any moment (or so they think). 

I say, okay give them back to Mexico – of course that assumes Mexico would even take them back. 

Or as former Texas GOP Gov. Rick Perry said in the 2016 presidential debate on live TV: Oops…

Thanks for stopping by.


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