Saturday, March 20, 2021

Trump Blasts USSC: Calls Them Gutless for Not Ruling to Keep Him in Office


A very, very angry man unloads on the High Court
(Expected them to rule for him in 2020)

Trump Says the Supreme CourtWill Go Down in History as Gutlessas he Refuses to Admit He Lost the 2020 Election Fair and Square

That headline comes from Law & Crime here – more specifics follow:

Former President Trump on Saturday (March 20) blasted the U.S. Supreme Court while airing grievances about a NY Times report’s accurate characterization of the November 2020 election. He apparently believes “they are being gutless” (since he got three of them on the court) for not ruling on the three cases that prevented him from staying in office.

Specifically, Trump did not directly cite or quote the actual Times report, but it appears to be one that begins with this: “Donald Trump is no longer center stage.”

The Times report continues by pressing the thesis that “…many conservative activists believe that the best way to raise money and keep voters engaged is to make [Trump’s] biggest fabrication about the 2020 election their top priority. His fabrication of course, is that election fraud carried Joe Biden, not him, into the White House.”

From the NY Times report – full details at the link above:

In recent weeks, many of the most prominent and well-organized groups that power the G.O.P.’s vast voter turnout efforts have directed their resources toward a campaign to restrict when and how people can vote, with a focus on the emergency policies that states enacted last year to make casting a ballot during a pandemic easier. The groups believe it could be their best shot at regaining a purchase on power in WashingtonFor now, many conservative groups are choosing to side with the former president, even at the risk of feeding corrosive falsehoods about the prevalence of voter fraud. […]

Trump of course continues to disagree with the insinuation that he lost the election fair and square despite some 60 court cases, including three USSC rulings against him where he lost to Biden nearly five months ago.  

Trump played squarely into the fundraising strategy that the Times sought to call out as problematic for those who wish to truly debate broader conservative political ideals and downright alienating for the country’s changing demographics. 

Key premise as the Times piece broadly questioned whether attacks voting reforms would simply turn voters away from the Republican Party.

Full article continues at the link – check it out.

My 2 cents: All this is SOP /routine and classic Trump.

The B/L is that Trump cannot accept defeat and especially one of this level of losing the presidency. Losing of course was a huge money-maker loss for him. That is money he badly needs to pay down loans which he has and are about due.

Plus, he face massive and growing pressure from the Manhattan DA (Cyrus Vance) who is pursuing an indictment of him and his many criminal activities (e.g., tax fraud, money laundering, and who knows what else).

Striking at the USSC now for not saving him is routine for him. It’s called part of the Trump con: “Deflect everything away from himself by blaming everyone else.” (His #1 tactic).

Will it work – time will tell.

Thanks for stopping by.


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