Thursday, January 14, 2021

Trump the Braggart: I'm the Best This or That Now First to be Impeached Twice

Maskless-in-Chief I Arriving

Maskless-in-Chief II Arriving

Maskless-in-Chief III Arriving

Those three pictures above and others showing Trump in huge crowds without a mask speak volumes about who he truly is and that triggered me to make this post today.

He is a person without an ounce of moral fiber about anything without his stamp of approval, and mostly what he touches fails over time.

He is a rule breaker for anything that is not on his terms. Others health matters not to him and the photographic evidence is clear on that point during this horrible pandemic now taking so many lives daily.

Donald J. Trump loves to brag. He always seeks the limelight. He strives to stay front and center no matter what is at stake – as long as it doesn’t touch or reflect badly on him.

Now he has another first: He is the first president in American history to be impeached twice – will be brag about that? That is doubtful. He could care less about any dishonor or disgrace.

All he is concerned about is that now he is losing tons of money, falling short on serious loan payments coming due, or on how he can make a fast buck any way possible.

He says he has plans to reclaim the White House and get back on that avenue in that spotlight for more financial gain.

More and more people around him are abandoning him, banks are cutting ties with him, states are cancelling contracts with him, corporations and big donors are all zipping their wallets against him, and all rightly so as millions now know and see who the real Trump truly was and now is: A con artist.

However, the public must not become complacent. What we saw happen on January 6 at the Nation’s Capitol may be round one of him and those like him lighting a very long fuze on a very big bomb. 

Time will tell, but we must stay vigilant and alert and try to unite against him and those like-minded he relies on for his dirty deeds.

We must heal our country. That is our #1 goal.

Thanks for stopping by.

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