Sunday, December 13, 2020

FOR Sen. Mitch McConnell: Read and Heed and Then I Hope You Can Sleep Well


Family being evicted in Arizona
(Recent event)

Renter Evictions Will Soar if Aid is Not Approved - the main story is here from the WSJ:

This post has two parts: 

PART ONE (WSJ): Photo (above) for this story was taken by John Moore of Getty Images who spent more than a week in Arizona photographing the eviction crisis many American families.

Sen. Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) needs to get the senate on board with the DEM proposal for the virus relief fill that is sorely needed and stop playing dirty politics, and stop trying to be a “one-man” ruler of America. 

That is disgraceful at this time in our entire history for anyone and more so for McConnell.

More American renters could be evicted from their homes in January than in any month ever, as protections put in place during the Covid-19 pandemic expire unless a last-minute deal is reached to extend them.

January is when the CDC ban on evictions is set to expire. The moratorium protects tenants who have missed monthly rent payments from being thrown out of their homes if they declare financial hardship. 

The CDC ordered the halt on evictions under the Public Health Service Act, which allows the federal government to enact regulations that help stop the spread of infectious diseases.

Between 2.4 million and 5 million American households are at risk of eviction in January alone, and millions more will be vulnerable in the months after.  

While several states and cities have their own eviction bans with varying rules and expiration dates, the CDC order is the only one that covers the entire country.

Many housing-industry executives expect the CDC eviction ban to be extended. The ramifications would be catastrophic otherwise, and even many landlords believe they are more likely to recover some rent by working with tenants, rather than by evicting them.

But if evictions explode next month, economists say cities and towns could see a surge in people out on the streets without a place to sleep or eat or have shelter.

PART TWO: Photo for this part of this sad eviction story is a bit of American history vis-à-vis being homeless, w/o a job, support, or assistance, and family in dire need c. 1948.

That photo above appeared in The Vidette-Messenger of Valparaiso, Indiana on August 5, 1948. The four children look posed and a bit confused as their pregnant mother hides her face from the photographer.

The front yard sign is startling: “4 children for sale.”

The story subject is Mr. and Mrs. Ray Chalifoux, who face eviction from their apartment. With no place to turn, the jobless coal truck driver and his wife decide to sell their four children. 

Lucille Chalifoux turns her head from camera above while her children stare wonderingly. On the top step are Lana, 6, and Rae, 5. Below are Milton, 4, and Sue Ellen, 2.

Family members accused the mother of being paid to stage the photo, which may have been part of the story, but unfortunately, she was dead serious about selling her children.

Within two years all of the children pictures, as well as the baby she was carrying at the time, were sold off to different homes.

Their up-to-date story was published here in 2013.

My 2 cents: So, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) GOP Senate “leader” why aren’t you leading?

This story and two examples above speak for themselves. Not much more to say at this point.

Thanks for stopping by.


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