Sunday, November 15, 2020

Trump's Election Fraud Claims: Court Case Win Scoresheet Now Zero for Ten


Trump's Legal Team in Election Fraud Cases
(Maybe consider a Tin Foil hat instead)

Trump’s Election Fraud Case Score Board: Zero for 10 cases.

Excellent review here from the Washington Post (November 14, 2020) with this headline:

It goes from bad to worse for the Trump legal team

Two prominent law firms have sought to withdraw from representing the Trump legal effort in Arizona and Pennsylvania. 

The campaign was forced to reverse course in an Arizona case, acknowledging that the lawsuit, even if successful, wouldn’t overturn President-elect Joe Biden’s lead in the state. 

Those high-profile developments come as more of Trump’s arguments fizzle in court.

In AZ, Trump’s attorney Kory Langhofer conceded that he was not alleging fraud or that anyone is stealing the election — in direct contradiction with Trump’s repeated public claims that this was indeed what has happened in multiple states. 

Langhofer said the Trump legal team was simply raising concerns about a “limited number of cases involving good-faith errors.”

It was not the first time that Trump’s attorneys have declined to allege fraud in the same way Trump personally has, with the same thing that happened earlier in PA.

Witnesses for the Trump side in the Arizona case acknowledged something else that previous cases have revealed — that they weren’t even sure the irregularities being alleged were true.

The Trump campaign’s lawsuit alleged that poll workers nullified votes by pressing or having voters press a button after the voting machine recorded more than one vote in the presidential race. This was the baseless alleged scandal dubbed “Sharpie-gate.”

As reported by Law and Crime’s Adam Klasfeld, Trump attorneys tried to object to their witnesses being cross-examined, and it turned out they did so for good reason: The Trump campaign’s parade of witnesses hardly bolstered their case.


When pressed by the Arizona Democratic Party’s counsel Daniel Arellano, each of the witnesses in turn conceded they did not know whether their vote was counted. He asked voter Mia Barcello: “Do you have any basis to believe your vote wasn’t counted?”  

She replied:Uh, I’m not sure.” When she was pressed about it further, Ms. Barcello replied: No.”

Ms. Barcello had plenty of company, with another witness responding: “I couldn’t say” to the same inquiry, and another replying: “That’s correct” when asked if he did not know one way or another whether his vote was counted, a matter that could have been quickly settled by consulting the public record.

Not even the Trump campaign’s Arizona State Election Day operations director Gina Swoboda believed otherwise — and she admitted as much under oath saying: “I don’t know whether they were counted or not, but otherwise had I no way of knowing whether or not that was true,” then Ms. Swoboda added that she could not speak for other witnesses.

Testimony by the Trump campaign’s expert witness took a turn to the absurd when Zack Alcyone, whose business bio boasts of his experience in “ballot access calculations” conceded that he is the business partner of Kory Langhofer, the lawyer who was arguing Trump’s case.

My 2 cents: Not much to add to this on-going Trump sh*t-show. 

This rundown by the WaPo article says it all. 

Thanks for stopping by.


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