Saturday, November 7, 2020

Our National Nightmare Seems to Have Come to an End — Fingers Crossed


Americans Answered Historical Call to Vote 
(A Bright New Era is About to Begin)

Good active site and excellent on-going reporting at least until the last vote is counted. 

Then the state official certification phase kicks in. 

That leads up to the Electoral College (EC) meeting to vote and officially approve Joe Biden as the 46th President-Elect on December 14.

This is my personal score sheet...

Next states to move (I predict) into the Biden win column are AZ (with 11 EC votes) and then after the GA's recount the final 16 EC votes, and that should equal 306 EC votes overall.

My final 2 cents at this point: What a relief and load off of my mind and I hope yours, too at least at this point.

However, a word of caution: We do not know the next few steps that Trump will take and is capable of pursing. He still believes and says he won. 

He will keep trying to get the whole election thrown into limbo as he tries to rely on the USSC to step in and save his raggedy ass.

I say he will fail and fail miserably as his court challenges have done in the run-up to the final count and outcome: that is him losing.

That is something he 100% cannot accept – it’s not in his nature or soul to accept any kind of defeat or — loss been that way his entire adult life.

So, stay tuned. 

Thanks for stopping by — now catch up on some sleep.


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