Friday, October 23, 2020

Trump Virus Response: In Last Debate Said We've Turned the Corner & Winning


He Repeats this Same Old Lie Nationwide

This story headline: Trump selling dangerous lies on the campaign trail about the virus:

Trump Destroyed for Metaphysically Lie: We’re Rounding the Corner Beautifully as U.S. Breaks COVID Record

In private and in public he has admitted to lying, telling reporters he didn’t want to “panic Americans by telling them the truth early on.”

But now his lies are dangerous, leading supporters to believe the pandemic is under control and almost over, likely causing many to lower their guard – if they ever raised it to begin with.

On Thursday (October 22), the United States broke the record high for number of new cases recorded in a single day: 77,640.

The previous record was 75,723 set on July 29, NBC News reports.

Another 921 people died from the coronavirus.

On MSNBC Dr. Peter Hotze announced the U.S. will likely see 80,000 new COVID-19 cases a day next week. 

According to Trump, holding multiple potentially super-spreader rallies every day, everything is great. 

For example, on October 23, he told his closely-packed and mostly mask-less supporters in FL: Joe Biden is not the man that can handle the job.  No, he leaves his house this morning, gets up and – I’m going to talk about it – all he talks about is COVID, COVID. COVID, is he wants to scare people, and we’ve done so well with it. Now it’s 99.8%.” (He said without explaining what that percentage means. His fans howled and cheered anyway).”

Then he added:I mean you look at what’s going on. And we’re rounding the corner we’re rounding the corner, we’re rounding the corner beautifully.”

By inauguration day, Wednesday, January 20, 2021, nearly 400,000 Americans will have died. Now, we rank first in total cases and total deaths, and 10th in deaths per capita. The latest numbers are here.

My 2 cents: What can I add to this – not much – Trump said it all and it’s all BS, and totally SOP for Trump ever since day-one.

Thanks for stopping by.

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