Wednesday, August 19, 2020

PMG DeJoy Drops Harsh USPS Reform: Social Media Still Hypes False Narrative

Defaced Mail Box: Fulton Street in Brooklyn
(Pulled for routine refinishing & for low usage)

This post subject: USPS policy, new stimulus aid bill, and Sen. Mitch McConnell response to both. 

USPS official statement on mail box removal from USA TODAY, and my related post here:

The Postal Service reviews collection box density every year on a routine basis to identify redundant and seldom used collection boxes as First-Class Mail volume continues to decline.” 

Based on the density testing, boxes are identified for potential removal and notices are placed on boxes to give customers an opportunity to comment before the removal decision is made. This process is one of the many ways the Postal Service makes adjustments to our infrastructure to match our resources to declining mail volumes.” 

The photo in question of stacked mail boxes in Wisconsin is from a repair vendor’s site that we have done business with for several years.”  

They are a contractor that repairs or destroys old collection boxes. They also make new collection boxes also. Photos such as this appear every couple of years at their site.” 

That picture, now all over the internet, is from Hartford, Wisconsin, taken at the Hartford Finishing Company – USPS contracted repair facility.”  

MY INSERT: It is NOT proof of anything nefarious any more than Obama-Biden collecting 14,000 such boxes in their 8 years in office for the same reasons. 

The stacked mailboxes in the photo could have been removed – even after a public notice – because of a lack of use that follows USPS’ long-established practice, or they could have been replaced with new boxes because of their condition.” 

My 2 cents: PMG DeJoy does not appear to have ordered removal of mail boxes IAW USPS policy. Plus, he gave NO public notice in advance as required by USPS rules. He did it for nefarious reasons as well as shutting down many mail sorting lines (with poor excuse “just normal maintenance”) – that not verified by facility mangers. 

DeJoy did that for political reasons to help Trump in November. Now he has backed off due to pressure from Pelosi until after the election (DeJoy’s smart move).

Now enter Sen. Mitch McConnell as usual and expected about all that and the pending new House USPS bill, even that Pelosi said she is willing to cut in half until January, to get aid to people and save the USPS, saying in essence: No deal in hell (sic).” 

Thanks for stopping by.

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