Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Trump Tweet: 75-year-old Man Tripped No Police Shoving Was Antifa “Set Up”

Police Officer Clearly Shoves 75-year old Man
(Video Screengrab 1)

Pusher Walks - Officer Tires to Help is Pushed Aside
(Video Screengrab 2)

Police March Past Badly Bleeding Man
(Video Screengrab 3)

Based on more Trump BS tweets: As they say, the tale of the tape (40-second video from WBFO and WRVO in Buffalo show the truth of this sick story).

The YouTube video follows – [You may have to sign in to watch it].

Sick Sad Incident in Buffalo, NY

The three screen grabs above are what I took from the video to emphasize this post, and the video highlights of that sick event.

Key parts of this story from The Hill below and related story here from Esquire:

Trump (June 9) shared an unfounded conspiracy theory that the incident in which 75-year old Martin Gugino (still in the hospital) was pushed to the concrete sidewalk by a police officer in Buffalo, NY during a protest over the police killing of George Floyd saying it could be a “set up.” 

Gugino was not a threat, not armed, and on the public sidewalk. Some say he was a professional protester. So, what. That is his right, and again, he was NOT a threat to the police or to the public. 

Where in the world did Trump get that crazy conspiracy idea – other than as always, pulling it out of his äşş?  

Oh yeah, from his fav conspiracy “news” site: OANNThis from the head of OANN – the conspiracy nut head, Rob Herring:

Follow-up reporting coming later today on @OANN! We have information to challenge those who are questioning the facts.” https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1270333484528214018 …

Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment. @OANN I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?” 

While Trump has denounced Floyd's death as a “grave tragedy and a disgrace,” he has largely sided with law enforcement by calling for “law and order and urging state leaders to dominate their streets against demonstrators.”

He and other administration officials have blamed Antifa, loosely organized groups of far-left activists, for the unrest, even as their gatherings have been largely peaceful.

My 2 cents: The video evidence is cut and dried at least in my view and perhaps in your view as well. The police used excessive & unnecessary force w/o any doubt.

The sooner we get this conspiracy peddler, Donald J. Trump, out of office the better – I have not in my lifetime ever seen or heard any president who this paranoid (Nixon comes close), almost always out of control, and comes across as a complete loose screw and a clear and present danger to our democracy, entire way of life, and to once a nation with the top leader one of like-minded nations — but not under Trump. Everything is about him, everything he says or does or tries is always about him and nothing else.

Wow is all I can say.

Thanks for stopping by.

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