Saturday, June 13, 2020

Trump: One-Trick Pony or Expert Jockey Chasing a Triple Crown 2020 Win

How Can Anyone Ever Believe Anything Trump Says
(Note the date of that tweet)

Great piece here (Washington Monthly) with a critical question below.

If Trump loses in November, he surely will dump a ton of lies on us about rigging the election, illegals voting, fraudulent mail-in ballots, fake news, witch hunts, and such. 

All the same old stuff we have heard since 2016 when he couldn’t stand losing the popular vote and yet won the race – it is truly amazing that he still can’t shut up while somehow blaming Hillary Clinton for his win!

From the article's writer this lead-in to the question: I’m tempted to say that both things can be true at the same time, but I don’t really believe that. Either Trump’s crazy and dickish behavior is helping or hurting him, and I think it’s now hurting him. But maybe this isn’t the most productive way of thinking about this question.”

That question: “What Trump would have left in his political arsenal if he simply stopped saying half-baked and cruel things every day?”

Those highlights I have listed here to fit the blog:

·         He can point to a now-ruined economy that was robust prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, and stock prices that are at historic highs.
·         He can point to a big tax cut for the wealthy.
·         He can point to a transformed federal court system that now has a heavy conservative tilt.
·         He cannot point to any forward-looking legislative agenda.
·         He cannot point to any foreign policy successes.
·         His appeal is almost entirely wrapped up in his act, or his ability to make a spectacle of himself for the enjoyment and lust of and from his base.
·         If he didn’t tweet on a regular basis, there’d be no reason to pay attention to him.
·         If he didn’t do or say outrageous things, there’d be no reason for anyone to enjoy the “Trump show.”

So, Trump’s act may be old and curdled, but it’s the only thing that makes him attractive at all. If he abandons it in an effort to pick up more support, he’ll only wind up depressing the enthusiasm of his true fans who will have lost trust.

The whole article is a very good read. 

Also two related articles here and here – check them out, too. Judge for yourself.

My 2 cents: Trump is incapable of change and has only one trick.

I say that one trick is sustaining his BS con game (like any good snake oil salesman or hawker selling the Brooklyn bridge) he truly is skilled at that and he has been his whole adult life – handed down from his father.

If that trick isn’t good enough to win in 2020, so be it, but he’s going to go down swinging – and that folks, will be very ugly and potentially long term damaging to the country as a whole overall … we shall see.

A short memo for any voter on the fence: Imagine four more years just like this one with more of Kellyanne Conway, Stephen Miller, Kayleigh McEnany, and the current White House crowd and major Federal department heads.

That prospect alone should wake up the public to motivate them to send a resounding unequivocal clear voice (with their vote on November 3, 2020) that says: “Get out and stay out.”

Thanks for stopping by.

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