Saturday, May 9, 2020

Trump & Officials: Hid CDC Guidelines in Favor of Their Way Not Medical Way

Trump & Dr. Redfield (CDC) Take Different Paths

Safe Place to Contain Virus and Hide CDC Guidelines


Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany on her first day in position said while standing at the White House press podium to the media and the public in answer to a reporter from The AP: “I will never lie to you.” Oops …

Short clip is here

Her lie (see more below) comes on top of the COVID-19 pandemic and now on roadblock to CDC public efforts in fighting it.

Q & A: Who do elected, appointed, and Federal employees in serve? Logically they swear to support the public – that is all Americans, but in this case not so much so as this AP story clearly shows. It is a very worrisome and troubling story. The highlights follow:

GAINESVILLE, FL (The AP)The decision to shelve detailed advice from the nation’s top disease control experts for reopening communities during the coronavirus pandemic came from the highest levels of the White House, according to internal government emails obtained by The Associated Press.

The files also show that after the AP reported that the guidance document had been buried, the Trump administration ordered key parts of it to be fast-tracked for approval. 

The trove of emails show the nation's top publichealth experts at the CDC spending weeks working on guidance to help the country deal with a public health emergency, only to see their work quashed by political appointees with little explanation.

The document, titled “Guidance for Implementing the Opening Up America Again Framework,” was researched and written to help faith leaders, business owners, educators, state, and local officials as they begin to reopen. It included detailed “decision trees,” or flow charts aimed at helping local leaders navigate the difficult decision of whether to reopen or remain closed.

McEnany based on this blatant lie should be fired – or she should immediately resign: She said on Friday (May 8) that the documents had not been approved by CDC Director Robert Redfield. (Really big lie) …

The new emails show clearly that Redfield cleared the guidance.

This new CDC guidance — a mix of advice already released along with newer information — had been approved and promoted by the highest levels of its leadership, including Redfield. 

Despite this, the administration shelved it on April 30.

As early as April 10, Redfield, who is also a member of the White House coronavirus task force, shared via email the guidance and decision trees with President Trump's inner circle, including: son-in-law Jared Kushner, top adviser Kellyanne Conway, and Joseph Grogan, assistant to the president for domestic policy. 

Also included were Dr. Deborah Birx, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and other task force members. Three days later, CDC’s upper management sent the more than 60-page report with attached flow charts to the White House OMB, a step usually taken only when agencies are seeking final White House approval for documents they have already cleared.

The 17-page version later released by The AP and other news outlets was only part of the actual document submitted by the CDC, and targeted specific facilities like bars and restaurants. 

The AP obtained a copy of the full document. That version is a more universal series of phased guidelines, “Steps for All Americans in Every Community,” geared to advising communities as a whole on testing, contact tracing and other fundamental infection control measures.

Full story continues here with many up’s and down’s.

My 2 cents: Why would McEnany flat out lie? Where did Kushner, Conway, and Grogan stand on approving this – none of them have any medical experience – not one iota?

Why would the guidance, approved by CDC, be shelved and apparently not for public disclosure and use in this horrible crisis? These are serious public health policy questions.

To more or less hide them from a sick, dying, and desperate public is beyond the scope of any imagination except for one reason:

Trump wants 100%, absolute, one-man control and credit for everything good; not the bad – he blames others for the bad.

No matter the results, Trump will spin the bad, ugly, and nasty into what he says is good, excellent, or the “best every” to show and say that he is the best in history, regardless of the facts and truth.

Trump does not give a damn about anything except himself to gain credit and kudos and daily praise and fluffing about everything. The man is pathetic and incorrigible

In reality everything he touches turns to sh*t and that is a matter public record and history and this story shows that clearly. Clearly Trump is behind the order to shelve the CDC guidelines based on sound, rational, and logical science, but we all know that from Trump on down most of the GOP line, they hate science.

Captures Him to a Trump T

It’s hard to write anything about this pitiful man. But now history knows and so do more and more Americans and most of the world just how inept Trump truly is serving as president.

Thanks for stopping by.

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