Friday, April 24, 2020

Trump Expert Con-Man: Now Serving as Nation's Supreme Virus Medical Expert

If this Elixir doesn't work - try a Lysol home injection
(Needles will be provided free)

Washington Post article is spot on – their headline:

Trump’s idiotic remarks should be condemned by anyone who cares about the nation’s health

The darkly tongue-in-cheek Darwin Awards periodically disabuse us of the notion that nobody’s stupid enough to, say, consider injecting themselves with disinfectant to cure covid-19. 

That is, no one except, perhaps, President Donald J. Trump.

The president said at Thursday’s White House coronavirus briefing (April 23) that it would be: “Interesting to investigate the possibility that disinfectant cleansers, which kill viruses quickly on surfaces, might have the same effect on viruses infecting the human body — if we could just get the stuff inside us.” 

Volunteers, anyone?

Trump continued:And then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning? Because, you see, it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So, it’d be interesting to check that.”

I wouldn’t doubt that a few 6-year-olds entertained the same thoughts as Trump, but it’s safe to assume that no one who routinely cleans houses is going to try out the president’s “interesting idea.”

In a related matter, the FDA issued a warning Friday (April 24) against non-hospital uses of hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 treatment, which Trump has touted, saying the drug can lead to death.

Given Trump’s keen interest in pursuing new cures, perhaps he would consider participating in an experiment to determine the effectiveness of cleansers in eradicating COVID-19 in the human body.

Of course, he’d first have to willingly expose himself to infection, as he seems to think other Americans should by encouraging governors to reopen their states. Or, rather than take the risky path of injecting bleach, he might just take a warm bath in the stuff.

Kidding, of course, but, guess who wasn’t? The president of the United States.

My 2 cents: Yep that’s the country’s HinC (Hack-in-Charge), or as he so often self-identifies himself and reminds us that he is: “The smartest man in the world – smarter than anyone else, ever and with the best words ever.”

In fact, Trump will do, say, pay, try, lie, imply, or deny anything to keep himself in the limelight all the while deflecting the truth and facts substituting his own version calling everything that it not Trump origin: “Fake news, a Hoax, or a DEM ploy and anger for losing in 2016.

Trump will say anything to keep his base in tow with his messages while they are totally blind with hatred for the DEMS and maintaining 100% obedience to Trump no matter what the facts or truth shows otherwise.

Thanks for stopping by.

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