Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Mitch McConnell Back on Warpath: New Tactics Same Old Target - "Stack the Courts"

Down in the mouth look like he just ate raw duck

Pretty big story here from The AP – McConnell reconsiders state aid. 

The highlights: Reversing course, GOP Senate Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (KY) now says he is “open” to considering additional funds for state and local governments in the next virus relief bill as Democrats seek more than $500 billion to cover costs of police, fire, and other front-line workers.

But McConnell insisted the new package must include federal liability protections from what he warned will be an “avalanche” of lawsuits against businesses that reopen during the pandemic saying (naturally) on Fox New Radio:There's no question all governors, regardless of party, would like to have more money, I’m open to discussing that.”

Noteworthy: McConnell’s about face comes after governors across the country heaped criticism on his suggestion that states should simply be allowed to go bankrupt.

As Congress delves into the next round of aid, Democrats are putting forward their own priorities, including a new effort to federalize the nation’s medical supply chain. 

Democratic leader Sen. Chuck Schumer (NY) said new rules are needed to prevent the favoritism some argue the Trump administration used in handing out vital gear during the health care crisis. The proposal would rely on the Defense Production Act to ensure adequate supplies, and he said in a statement: President Donald Trump’s failed leadership during this crisis has put our frontline health care workers in a scavenger hunt for their lives and forced Governors to bid against each other for desperately needed resources.”

McConnell said as the new package takes shape he wants to prevent “the second pandemic — which is going to be lawsuits against doctors, nurses, hospitals, and brave business people opening up.”

My 2 cents: Not much to add but it is apparent that McConnell is running scared as many GOP senators are these days trying anything to cling to power.

However, I do want to add this story to underscore that more than anything and this is in addition to the above backpedaling story about McConnell on state aid.

Schumer is right to try and hold McConnell’s feet the fire and focus on virus relief aid where sorely needed, and NOT try and pack the courts the way he and Trump both want – for long-term policy cover.
That outcome would not be pretty – not one bit.

Packing the courts with ultra-conservative judges” even if the GOP loses power (hopefully they will), they would still have their court-appointed judges there to will fight for their rights even with the DEMS running things. 

Keep in mind that most court appointments, at last in most cases, are lifetime jobs. That is something I do not support except for the USSC, but not for any lower court.

Thanks for stopping by.

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