Saturday, February 1, 2020

Impeachment Witness Vote Shot Down: Two GOP Heroes — Two Turncoat Cowards

Four could have/or not made difference
(GOP said Nay — Now we'll never know)

Dems asked for one Key witness: John Bolton
(GOP also said Nay)

Two joined Dems voted Yea (Collins and Romney)
(Two abandoned fairness & justice for Trump)
(Alexander & Murkowski above photo)

This post is mostly aimed at Sen. Alexander (R-TN), but also for Sen. Murkowski (R-AK) in part.  Alexander on his no vote said: “Convicting Trump Would Pour Gasoline on Cultural Fires”

My Introduction: I totally 100% disagree with Senator Alexander’s (and others who hold his view) and assessment (see below) and say to him and them:

Senator, have more faith in the public and voters. If they assess it the same way you have ½ correctly said that what he did was awful and true, but with your “so what attitude” then we are in worse shape than merely a “cultural divide” that you profess.

A cultural divide only impacts the ignorant, those stuck in second gear with massive mis- and disinformation peddled over the airwaves in a slanted fashion that keep the cultural fires and divide you mention bright and forest fires raging like Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Michael Savage, and Chris Plante, and many even in Congress, e.g., Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Devin Nunes, Lindsey Graham, Jim Jordan, and a hand full of others.

They like you now are unable to measure “right from wrong except for TV or radio and media ratings and sustained attention.” That is not what this nation is not about, nor what I grew up trusting, nor later in life as I served served faithfully in the Marine Corps (20 years active duty), and then in several DOD positions for 44 years of public service have I thought differently. 

Senators (both of you) are flat out wrong and just as Abe Lincoln once said to a jury in a court case when he got his client off about barge damage charges: “You have the facts right, but have reached the wrong conclusion.” 

Shame on you both for standing with this awful president and abandoning America and all we stand with your vote that is totally narrowly slanted and fully wrong. Your assessment is right – your decision is 100% wrong. That conclusion you made and vote as well will have lasting national damage. Why? 

Because Trump’s worse damage lies ahead and I hope somehow you can live with that. Trump is not done yet with the damage he plans ahead. Just watch and see what wrath you have helped sustain.  I feel sorry for you.

Sen. Alexander reached an unavoidable conclusion: Trump had done what he was accused of, pressuring a foreign power to investigate his political rival, however inappropriate his conduct, another conviction overrode the first: Americans would not tolerate the Senate stepping in to substitute its own judgment for that of the voters fewer than 10 months before the next election.

Alexander said:The Senate reflects the country, and the country is as divided as it has been for a long time. For the Senate to tear up the ballots in this election and say President Trump couldn’t be on it, the country probably wouldn’t accept that. It would just pour gasoline on cultural fires that are burning out there.”

He concluded: I think he did something that was clearly inappropriate. I think it is inappropriate for the president to ask the leader of a foreign nation to investigate a leading political rival, which the president says he did. I think it is inappropriate at least in part to withhold aid to encourage that investigation. But that is not treason, that is not bribery, that is not a high crime and misdemeanor.”

I insert: Senator, asking a foreign nation for and a benefit to aid in an election or reelection is more than “inappropriate” it is unlawful stated in 52 USC 30121: Contributions and donations by foreign nationals and in this FEC chair statement.

With Alexander’s “logic,” he delivered a major victory to Trump — and to Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) with whom Alexander has been friends for more than a half-century. In announcing he would vote to block witnesses at Trump’s impeachment trial, he set Trump on a quick course to his inevitable acquittal.

Also, Alexander’s “illogic” is as bad as Alan Dershowitz's un-American defense of Trump who sounded more like that we hear from dictatorships of like Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler with his argument stated in part here on FOX (view I also agree with):

Dershowitz in part:Politicians believe that their own elections are in the public interest and that Trump's efforts to withhold aid from Ukraine in exchange for an investigation into the Bidens in order to benefit him in the 2020 election cannot be a quid pro quo that results in an impeachment since the president believed he was acting in the public interest.”

And snippet from McConnell to senate GOP (WSJ): “… stay calm and be patient. The trial is a bigger threat to the party’s Senate majority than to the president.”

My 2 cents: Clearly stated in my introduction above – need I say more other than we now wait for the “Wrath of Don” and his dictatorship train to hit high gear.

This is not hyperbole – it’s Trump’s M.O. wait and see.

I hope I am wrong, but Trump’s past is clear – damage and destruction and revenge are all he knows – it’s in his DNA.

And, Dershowitz is kooky in my opinion.

Thanks for stopping by.

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