Tuesday, January 28, 2020

GOP Today: Dirty Tricks, Lies, Cover-up, Duck, Dodge, Distract, Distort & Deceive™

Army Lt. Col. Alexander and Lt. Col. Yevgeny Vindman
(Both work at NSC and both smeared by Trump)

This story comes from Media Matters – original BS story here from this right wing paper.

The #1 peddler of this wild conspiracy story is none other than Breitbart News (surprise, surprise, surprise). 

This posted conspiratorial smear is against the twin brother of Army Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman (above left in photo) the National Security Council expert on Ukraine who testified in the House impeachment inquiry in October and his twin brother, Army Lt. Col Yevgeny Vindman (NSC legal adviser).

(FYI: Yevgeny is the Russian variant of Eugene).

Breitbart claims “a source close to the Trump administration” told the outlet that Yevgeny Vindman: Is in charge of reviewing all publications by current and former NSC officials, which would include Bolton’s book manuscript.” 

Right-wing media outlets then turned their guns, wrath, and focus to feed their base the attention toward Yevgeny. While Breitbart's report is accurate in one sense: “Yevgeny is a senior ethics lawyer for the NSC,” there is none, nada, nil, zero, zip, zilch of any evidence that he saw the manuscript or even handled it.

Even Fox News’ John Roberts tweeted that his sources say Yevgeny “is NOT part of the NSC team vetting John Bolton's manuscript.”

That hasn’t stopped stop right-wing media figures – including some from Fox – from promoting that smear campaign that the leak of Bolton’s book manuscript was a conspiracy stemming from the Vindmans.

This advice permeates the entire GOP today 
(True quote seen here - FYI)

Conservative media outlets like: The Washington TimesRed State, and Biz Pac Review all reported the same story, along with prominent conservatives such as: “Turning Point USA’s Charlie Kirk; Fox News’ Mark Levin; and right-wing radio host Bill Mitchell” et al all have tweeted the same bogus, fake, false, conspiracy lie and boy does it catch on quickly as a daily 24/7 talking point.

My 2 cents: The Trump cabal knows no bounds… they will go the ends of the Earth to stay in power, in the limelight, and in the big money no matter who gets damaged along the way.

Loyalty to them and only to them is paramount. But, step out of line for any good sound rational or legal reason, and then you become you become their bug and they squash you.

It is happening again right now, and it will continue as long as they stay in power since they are seldom held accountable. It’s their DNA and all they know – the “Art of the Con” is their way of life and always has been.

Thanks for stopping by.

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