Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Donald "Faux Pas" Trump: Smartest President Ever Even More Than Our Generals

Trump abandons the Kurds while aiding these three
(Axis Powers 2019 version)

Following from various sources Slate here and this this short video intro from CBS News.

Trump frequently bragged that he acted because ISIS had been defeated, and he was committed to terminating he said: “Endless wars by pulling American troops out of the Middle East.” 

By the end of the week Trump pledged to add 2,000 U.S. troops to the ME — purpose: To help defend Saudi Arabia. 

So, one day Trump was inviting Erdogan to visit the White House and the very next he was threatening to “totally destroy and obliterate Turkey’s economy if it crossed a line” (a line BTW that Trump never defined). 

Erdogan has just kept going deeper into Syria after the Kurds. 

A more serious issue: State and Energy Departments are now quietly reviewing plans for evacuating roughly 50 tactical nuclear weapons that the U.S. has long stored at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey located some 250 miles from the Syrian border.

Now, those nukes are now essentially Erdogan’s hostages. 

To fly them out of Incirlik would be to mark the de facto end of the Turkish-American alliance in effect since President Truman in 1947. To keep them there, though, is to perpetuate a nuclear vulnerability that should have been eliminated years ago.

Irony? We have in a country now (Turkey) that holds our nuclear weapons that is also now literally firing artillery at U.S. forces in Northern Syria. 

Erdogan claims nuclear ambitions of his own saying a month ago to supporters that “…we cannot accept rules that keep Turkey from possessing nuclear weapons of its own,” adding:There is no developed nation in the world that doesn’t have them.”

Ding - that is totally false. 

Fact: These nine countries have nukes:

      1. Russia 6,850 nukes
      2. U.S. 6,550 nukes
      3. France 300 nukes
      4. China 280 nukes
      5. UK 215 nukes
      6. Pakistan 145 nukes
      7. India 135 nukes
      8. Israel 80 nukes
      9. North Korea 15 nukes

My 2 cents: Trump has royally screwed up the world with his “gut decision making.” 

And, now it is unfolding in a horrible fashion in Northern Syria as the Kurds – longtime U.S. allies against ISIS – are being attacked and basically slaughtered by the Turks as the world watches in real time.

Trump has erred bigtime with his decision to abandon that ally.

What the future holds is anyone’s guess. Stay tuned.

Thanks for stopping by.

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