Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Unus pro omnibus, Omnes pro uno = One for all, all for one: Only Trump Name Brand

You can check out any time you like, but 
you can never leave

What matters most to these six: Name, Fame, and Fortune
(And, they have the scandals to prove it)

Trump Empire, Inc - his latest  Hotel/Resort “Scandal” (Scotland and USAF).

This recent scandal is packed with a lot of routine Trump lies and denials as outlined in this very fine and detailed report:

WASHINGTON (NY Times) — Back in 2014, soon after acquiring a golf resort in Scotland, Trump entered a partnership with a struggling local airport there to increase air traffic and boost tourism in the region.

The next year, Trump began running for president, the Pentagon decided to ramp up its use of that same airport to refuel Air Force flights and gave the local airport authority the job of helping to find accommodations for flight crews who had to remain overnight. 

Those two separate arrangements have now intersected in ways that provide the latest evidence of how Mr. Trump’s continued ownership of his business produces regular ethical questions.

Now Trump is seeking to tamp down a growing controversy over a stay at the resort by military personnel who were traveling through the airport in Scotland back in March.

On Twitter (as usual) and then later speaking to reporters at the White House, Trump said he was not involved in any decision to put an Air Force flight crew at the resort, known as Trump Turnberry, saying

I know nothing about an Air Force plane landing at an airport (which I do not own and have nothing to do with) near Turnberry Resort (which I do own) in Scotland, and filling up with fuel, with the crew staying overnight at Turnberry (they have good taste!). NOTHING TO DO WITH ME.”

Documents obtained from Scottish government agencies show that the Trump Organization, and Trump himself, played a direct role in setting up an arrangement between the Turnberry resort and officials at Glasgow Prestwick Airport.

The government records, released through Scottish FOIA law, show that the Trump organization starting in 2014 entered a partnership with the airport to try to increase private and commercial air traffic to the region.

As part of that arrangement, the Trump Organization worked to get Trump Turnberry added to a list of hotels that the airport would routinely send aircrews to, even though the Turnberry resort is 20 miles from the airport, farther away than many other hotels, and has higher advertised prices.

Trump Organization executives held a series of meetings with the airport officials to negotiate terms that would lead to more referrals, the documents show.

Jules Matteoni, a manager at Glasgow Prestwick Airport, wrote in June 2015 to executives at Trump Turnberry: As a list of hotels that we use for our business, being honest, Turnberry was always last on the list, based on price. Yesterday’s proposal places Turnberry in a favorable position and gives us food for thought in our placement of crews moving forward.”

Trump visited Glasgow Prestwick in 2014 and promised to help increase traffic at the airport, although at the time he was largely referring to plans to drive corporate jets there and attract other commercial traffic perhaps carrying golfers on the way to his resort.

At that time Iain Cochrane, then the chief executive of the airport, said re: Trump’s visit:Forging a new partnership between the airport and the Trump Organization will undoubtedly be mutually beneficial.”

Both DOD and executives at the airport have that the airport also has a separate arrangement with the USAF.

Under that arrangement, the Scottish airport not only refuels American military planes but also helps arrange hotel accommodations for arriving crews, as it does for some civilian and commercial aircraft. 

The Prestwick Airport said in a statement recently:We provide a full handling service for customers and routinely arrange overnight accommodation for visiting aircrew when requested. We use over a dozen local hotels, including Trump Turnberry; a small percentage of the total hotel bookings we make.”

It was through the arrangement with the Pentagon that a seven-person USAF crew ended up staying at the Trump Turnberry in March. An Air Force C-17 military transport plane was on its way from Alaska to Kuwait when it stopped at Prestwick overnight to refuel and give the crew a break. That crew consisted of active duty and National Guard members from Alaska. They were charged $136 per room/per night, which was less expensive than a Marriott property’s rate of $161, plus both were under the DoD per diem rate of $166/day.

The Air Force said in a statement, and a DOD official added one too:A local agent on contract with the U.S. government assisted with the reservations and indicated that there wasn’t a room available closer to Prestwick airport.”

DOD then added:Yes — the Air Force relies on a contracted representative at the Prestwick airport to support our aircrew needs.”

The number of such stops by Air Force planes at Prestwick rose from 180 in 2017 to 257 last year and 259 so far this year.

The 259 stops this year included 220 overnight stays.

Since October 2017, records show 917 payments for expenses including fuel at the airport worth a total of $17.2 million.

Air Force officials could not say how many times military crews had been sent to Trump Turnberry, but added that they are now going through vouchers to come up with such a count.

Lt. Gen. Jon Thomas, the deputy commander of the Air Force Air Mobility Command (MAC), said in an interview that: “[…] the rising number of military stopovers at Prestwick was entirely based on operational demands, as the airport is in a convenient location, has 24-hour operations and offers ample aircraft parking, among other advantages, adding the Air Force has been using Prestwick since the late 1990’s.”

But he also agreed that the decision to place Air Force crew members at a hotel owned by Trump’s family had created questions that the DOD needed to address, and as a result, the Air Force is now reviewing policies on where crews are put up in hotels during international trips.

Gen. Thomas further said:Let’s make sure we are considering potential for misperception that could be created by where we billet the aircrews. It is reasonable for us to ask and make sure we are being sensitive to misperceptions that could be formed by the American people or Congress or anyone else.”

Trump disputed that there were any legitimate questions about the stay by the Air Force crew, suggesting that he was so wealthy that the business was inconsequential to him, saying in true Trump style:I don’t need to have somebody take a room overnight at a hotel.”

Trump dismissed suggestions that he also was profiting when VP Pence recently spent two nights at the Trump family’s golf resort in Doonbeg, Ireland, rejecting questions as unfounded saying: So what is happening is the following: Every time you find a person landing in an airplane within 500 miles of something I own, Mike Pence, as an example, his family lives in Doonbeg, Ireland.”

My 2 cents: Simple, direct, and I believe in line with the vast majority of Americans who have come to figure out Trump for what he is: A 100% totally skilled, experienced, and savvy con artist.”

And, he has been his whole life. This case simply underscores how horrible a person he truly is.

Thanks for stopping by.

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