Sunday, September 15, 2019

Trump's Version of Rob Peter to Pay Paul: "Rob Defense to Build Wall"

Trump as Commander-in-Chief is Really 

Trump's decision to raid military construction projects to pay for a wall along the southern border will leave one base, for example, that houses tactical nuclear weapons and roughly 100 miles from Syria “is vulnerable to hostile penetration.” (Says an Air Force report)

Specifics: At Incirlik, Turkey (the example above) their main gate according to an Air Force study commissioned to analyze the effect of the 51 military projects the White House decided would lose funding, says in part: Is degrading and not properly configured to provide protection for pedestrian and vehicle passage.”

The report that NBC obtained cites this and conclusion:The higher threat environment at the base since U.S. operations against the Islamic State group began in neighboring Syria. If not funded, the main gain remains vulnerable to hostile penetration in the midst of contingency operations and an increased terrorist threat.

Other projects at risk include:

1.    A new facility to store munitions at Anderson Air Force Base, Guam, which forces in the Pacific rely for weapons for training and potentially for war.
2.    Facilities in Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Luxembourg, and Slovakia which need upgrades to support new NATO operations designed to deter Russia.
3.    A boiler system at Eilsen Air Force Base, AK which generates all of the facility's power and steam and which could force a base-wide evacuation if it fails – which the report says “… is imminent.”

NBC says the USAF submitted the report months ago to DoD but only found out about the projects that would be affected when the decision to move the funds became public.

Pentagon officials incrementally revealed their plans to redirect funds at the direction of the White House over a series of days earlier this month, saying the affected projects either weren't urgent or could be re-funded by Congress before construction was supposed to begin.

The administration has also suggested that foreign governments could pick up the tab for projects that support U.S. operations in their countries. (Call that wishful, crazy-ass thinking on a giant scale).

Impact: Opponents of the Trump move now serving in Congress say they will not appropriate funds for the projects twice.

Related Stories:

My earlier posts on this: Here and here.  

My 2 cents: I ask this simple yet ironic question: Does this action by Trump please Putin and other nasty bastards who want to see the U.S. posture and forces in those regions somehow degraded and ineffective? – 
A simple yes or no will not suffice, Mr. Trump, not one bit.

Stay tuned –this isn’t over yet for sure.

Thanks for stopping by.

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