Thursday, September 5, 2019

Trump Takes DoD Funds: For His Wall That He Promised Mexico Would Pay For

Trump’s Map of Mexico: Promised Wall Funder
(Fact: U.S. taxpayers - oops)

Emergency Powers Declaration Goes Around Congress
(What national emergency)

Three examples where Trump takes DoD money 
(Camp Lejeune – Home of 2nd Marine Division)

The Pentagon has announced it would use $3.6 billion in military construction funding to pay for President Donald Trump's long-promised border wall (NBC News here with short video, and from PBS News Hours here, also with video and the above charts).

The move, which was authorized by Defense Secretary Mark Esper, will impact 127 different construction projects. Officials said that half of the money — $1.8 billion — would come from planned international projects an

Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Elaine McCusker did not give details on which projects would be put on hold, saying they wanted to notify members of Congress first. Officials said the affected projects did not include housing or projects that were already awarded 2019 dates, but added: “We do realize this could cause some delay to the projects, but they are definitely not canceled.”

Democrats were quick to blast the move: Speaker Nancy Pelosi called the decision irresponsible and dangerous, then added:The administration’s irresponsible decision to transfer funds from appropriated U.S. military construction makes America less safe and dishonors the Constitution. The president is negating the Constitution’s most fundamental principle, the separation of powers, by assaulting our congressional power of the purse, and is undermining the oath of office we take to protect and defend the Constitution and the American people.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said Esper told him some of the money would come from construction and maintenance money for the U.S. Military Academy at West Point (in New York). 

Schumer said:It is a slap in the face to the members of the Armed Forces who serve our country that President Trump is willing to cannibalize already allocated military funding to boost his own ego and for a wall he promised Mexico would pay to build. This decision will harm already planned, important projects intended to support our service members at military installations in New York, across the United States, and around the world.”

Funny but not ha-ha funny $$$  ₱ ₱ ₱
(So, Mexico is not paying right Mr. Prez? - oops)

Democrats also blasted Trump for the plan that also takes money from the Puerto Rico hurricane relief fund.

My 2 cents: Trump goes around Congress with his weak-ass “national emergency declaration” for one reason: Just because he can and thus further abusing the power of his office.

What is ironic is money for the military which Trump always boast he is better than any president in history, believe him, he professes.

The B/L: Trump is a very sick, sick man and not held to account for anything and that is the GOP’s fault not the DEM’S or the public’s (at least most of the public). Shame on the GOP allowing Trump to run amok as a one-man controller of the country – that is most troubling.

Thanks for stopping by.

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