Monday, July 15, 2019

Trump Knew Russia Helped Him Win: That Despite All the BS From Trump and Others

Note the Precise Underlined Trump Wording
(No slicing and dicing necessary)

From – Trump's above tweet in precise words (not mine and certainly notfake news”) is analyzed with clarity.

But, Trump loyalists do don’t or can't comprehend English, or act like they do not, will not even accept rational proof based on the facts, even in Trump’s own words.

Trump tweeted that he knows Russia had influence and helped him win but then tweets this stunning part:I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected.” 

(Note: Trump tweet was 6 weeks after the Mueller report).

Trump implies in simple English:I didn't help them help me win.”

(Simple Translation: That means that he knew what the Russians did – that is to help ensure that he would win).

Also, this all means in layman’s terms that Trump knew Russia helped him win via hacking, web bots, false polls, tons of misleading information, and false statements about Hillary Clinton as part of their overall PR campaign to spread nastiness about Hillary Clinton bashing her at every opportunity to aid Trump winning that is despite all the Trump BS all the time since.

Thanks for stopping and remembering this.

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