Monday, June 3, 2019

"Hide the USS McCain": Save Trump's Fragile Ego, Don't Make Waves, Duck then Hide

Re-christening in U.S. Pacific Fleet

Re: More on “Hide the USS McCain” from the NY Times – highlights below:

Trump seems to think that blaming an overzealous aide for the McCain ship incident makes things better and absolves him of any responsibility. In reality, it makes things worse. It’s no secret that Trump’s ego is fragile.


At the start of his tenure, he was so upset that his inauguration crowd had been smaller than Obama’s that he had his press secretary lie about it and prompted the park service to edit photos to make his crowd look larger.

Unable to cope with having lost the popular vote, Trump formed an “election integrity” commission to try to prove that the election had been riddled with fraud I (illegal voters) on behalf of Hillary Clinton. It found none and was dissolved.

Two years later, the situation has become more absurd.

Staff members have so internalized their boss’s vanities and petty grudges that they scurry to avoid anything that might offend his sense of self.
Other instances of the president’s fragility are deadly serious.

In late April, it came to light that the acting White House chief of staff, Mick Mulvaney, had warned Kirstjen Nielsen, then the homeland security secretary, against raising the issue of Russia’s attempts to interfere in American elections in front of the president. Nielsen was desperate to get the White House to show leadership and focus public attention on this critical threat.

Mulvaney told her “…that the entire issue was tangled up in Trump’s brain with questions about the legitimacy of his 2016 victory.” (sic)
And so the integrity of the American electoral system is again being neglected because White House aides don’t want to risk hurting Trump’s feelings.

What other important issues are being similarly compromised? 

One has to wonder whether, somewhere in the White House computer system, there is a running list of topics that cannot be broached, lest they trigger the volatile Trump.

Mulvaney related MTP appearance here – same subject: “Hide the McCain.”

My 2 cents: I picked out the most-serious parts of this fine rundown.

B/L: This is serious food for serious thought isn’t it? 

We are in bad shape as a nation to sustain such a man in office – shame on those around Trump and mostly Republicans in office for propping him up this way – were it anyone except Trump they would have acted already – they are afraid of him and his loyal base and their political futures. G.O.P is now P.O.T (Party of Trump).

Thanks for stopping by.  

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