Sunday, July 29, 2018

Judge Kavanaugh's White House Duties: From 2001-2006 Bush Era Under Scrutiny

We're clear on what I want from you on the bench, right
(Kavanaugh looks tearful or totally perplexed)

Interesting analysis (from the NY Times) of Supreme Court Justice nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s days serving in the White House under Geo. W. Bush – several key issues caught my attention for further look see and analysis – my emphasis added as indicated below:

First Issue: Bush’s aggressive use of presidential signing statements became a contentious issue toward the end of Judge Kavanaugh’s tenure as staff secretary from 2003 to 2006.

By then, Bush had already challenged more provisions of new laws than all previous presidents combined, but those claims attracted little attention until he asserted that he could bypass a December 2005 law in which Congress, over his objections, had tightened restrictions against torture.

(I note: Bush wanted cancel or override the Congressional ban on torture to continue the program at Gitmo with another EO or signing statement. My Gitmo detainee files are here for detailed background on the whole torture issue).

Emails disclosed last year during the confirmation of Justice Neil M. Gorsuch, another Bush administration veteran, revealed that there had been a high-level internal fight about what the signing statement on the torture ban should say.
But those emails did not show how Judge Kavanaugh eventually presented the matter to Mr. Bush.

Pressed at his 2006 hearing to express an opinion about whether the president could legally override the torture ban, Judge Kavanaugh gave an ambiguous answer.

He said the president must “follow the Constitution and the laws passed by the Congress” — without saying whether he thought, in that instance, the statute conflicted with the Constitution.

Mr. Grassley has said he does want to see Judge Kavanaugh’s papers from his time as an associate White House counsel from 2001 to 2003; it is not clear whether any of those address signing statements. Republicans also point out that the Senate has access to years of his judicial opinions, published writings, speeches, and other such materials.

Since he became a judge, his writings show, he has spoken more extensively about two major issues raised by Mr. Bush’s use of signing statements.

The first issue was the legitimacy of a sweeping theory of executive power that Mr. Bush’s legal team often advanced: that the president, as commander in chief, can override statutes in which Congress has regulated the executive branch’s conduct in national security matters.

In a favorable review last year of a book written by another judge, David J. Barron, Judge Kavanaugh said “it seems settled” that Congress cannot interfere with presidents’ power “to supervise, direct and remove subordinate officers in the national security realm” and “to direct specific troop movements.”

But beyond those issues, he wrote, Judge Barron “advances a forceful originalist and historical-practice case that presidents must and do comply with congressional regulation of wartime activities such as surveillance, detention, interrogation and the use of military commissions.”

Still, Judge Kavanaugh pointed out a catch: It is often “not easy” to tell whether an action should be analyzed as defying a law, because presidents often argue that statutes should be interpreted as blessing their policies.

Indeed, during the Bush administration’s internal debate over the December 2005 signing statement on the torture ban, some officials had argued for declaring that the new law was best read as essentially codifying their existing interrogation policies, rather than suggesting any plans to defy Congress. 

Earlier that year, the Justice Department had secretly concluded, in a memo that was later rescinded, that interrogation tactics like waterboarding and sleep deprivation did not violate the humane-treatment standard that Congress had included in the new law.

And even when a president unambiguously defies a law, he noted, sometimes that is legal. He cited a 2015 ruling in which the Supreme Court upheld presidents’ constitutional authority to disregard a statute about passports and Israel.

The second issue that Kavanaugh addressed was raised in the signing statements debate: whether it is legitimate for presidents to sign bills but effectively nullify some provisions by deeming them unconstitutional, or whether the Constitution gives presidents only the choice of signing a bill — and then obeying all of it — or vetoing it. 

In 2006, the American Bar Association took the latter view, arguing that signing statements were “contrary to the rule of law and our constitutional system of separation of powers.” But former executive branch lawyers of both parties have rejected that position as going too far.

In a 2015 lecture to law students, Judge Kavanaugh made clear that he shared the view that presidents may decline to obey statutes if they have a “reasonable” constitutional objection — unless a court issues a final order telling them otherwise.

That said, he warned: “It’s about the most controversial thing a president can do.” His advice to executive branch officials considering making such a claim was “you’d better know what you’re doing legally, you’d better have a thick skin politically, and you’d better hope you don’t have a Senate confirmation process in the near future.”

My 2 cents: Related topic from an earlier post same subject: torture policy from the Atlantic here  in part – the key parts from there:

The key to his hearing will likely be the documents that the Judiciary Committee receives pertaining to Kavanaugh – and that is expected to be the largest tranche of papers ever produced on any judicial nominee. Those papers could help clarify the 2002 meeting that the Post and NPR reported, as well as offer more indications of what Kavanaugh knew.

Kavanaugh will likely tell senators that even if he consulted about Kennedy, he was not directly involved in crafting detainee policy. Democrats are likely to argue that Kavanaugh misled them, in that he suggested he wasn’t aware of the policy discussions at all. 

Unhelpfully for Kavanaugh, the former Bush aide Karl Rove, who strongly supports the judge’s nomination, told Neil Cavuto that as staff secretary, Kavanaugh was involved in almost all policy issues.

Assuming Sens. Durbin and Leahy press Kavanaugh, he’ll be only the latest public official to come under scrutiny for his role during the period of torture. But while plenty of officials have faced tough questions, few of them have actually seen their careers halted. William J. Haynes, a judicial nominee about whom Durbin asked Kavanaugh back in 2006, is a rare case of someone who was blocked.

Jay Bybee remains on the federal bench, and John Yoo, one of the authors (with Bybee) of the infamous “Torture Memos,” returned to his prestigious teaching post at UC Berkeley law school.

John Brennan, who served in the Bush CIA, had hoped to have been the CIA director during the Obama administration, but initially withdrew from the running over liberal criticism of his role in torture.

In the end, that was just a delay: He was nominated and confirmed to run the CIA during Obama’s second term.

During her Trump confirmation hearings this spring, Gina Haspel, the current CIA director, faced tough questions over her administration of a CIA “black site” where torture occurred during the Bush era. In the end, however, she was confirmed, too, by a 54–45 vote.

If those cases offer any predictions, Kavanaugh will face some withering questions during his Senate hearings, but he still has a good chance at jumping from the Senate hot seat to the Supreme Court bench.

Stay tuned for sure. A big right is probably going to take place over this nomination – VP Pence may have to be another the tie-breaking vote as in the past for Betsy DeVos as Education Secretary; Sam Brownback for Amb-at-Large; Russell Vought for top OBM slot; and three pieces of legislation.

Thanks for stopping by.

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