Friday, March 26, 2021

CDC Warns as Virus Surges: Why Are People Ignoring Sound Medical Advice


CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky
(Issues stark warning)

Super Spreadersat Fort Lauderdale Beach, FL
(Scenes like this has the CDC worried)

Unpleasant CoVID-19 news from NBC News with this opening from the Director of the CDC that follows:

After several weeks at a plateau, Covid-19 cases in the United States are rising again, the clearest warning sign yet that the country could face another avoidable surge.”  

The story headline:

Covid-19 cases are rising. States are opening up anyway

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky said at a media briefing that the most recent seven-day average of Covid-19 cases was about 57,000 cases per day, an increase of 7 percent from the previous week, adding:We know from prior surges that if we don't control things now, there is a real potential for the epidemic curve to soar again. I remain deeply concerned about the trends.”

Brian Castrucci, president and COO of the de Beaumont Foundation, a public health nonprofit said:Elected leaders are undermining public health messaging left and right.”


AZ is the latest state to announce it is lifting mask mandates and is allowing bars and restaurants to fully reopen joining IA, MS, MT, ND, and TX.

Many NC businesses, including retail stores, were permitted to reopen fully. CT and MD too, have announced plans to roll back mitigation efforts.

In a statement to NBC News, Dr. Walensky acknowledged her team is:Competing against messages from states that are pulling back public health measures, like mask-wearing requirements and relaxing limits on in-person dining in restaurants and bars.”

Read the full NBC News story here.

Dr. Walensky’s summary is simple, direct, and smart:We're communicating with a fatigued public – urging people to stay the course. We can turn this around, but it will take all of us working together.”

My 2 cents: This story is very troubling on many levels, with the most-important being: Why do so many openly ignore smart medical advice?

I wonder, do they ignore their family doctor orders when they get examined for an illness or get recommended for a Rx, treatment, or surgery to fight and solve their illness or save their life? 

I doubt they do.

So, why now with nearly 544,000 Americans who have died from the virus during this horrible pandemic are they ignoring sound rational logical medical advice from the highest level of medical advice?

This kind of news is my major concern and it should be all of ours.

Thanks for stopping by.


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