Friday, July 24, 2020

Edu Secy DeVos: Continues to Display the Most-Ignorant Ways Ever Possible

Her Credentials in a Funny Sort of Way
(Not Ha-Ha Funny, but Factually True)

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos (R-MI) is once again carrying Trump’s water by demanding that states reopen their schools after the summer break or lose Federal funds. 

Let’s be clear here: DeVos and Trump threats to withhold school funding unless they open — however hollow — is dangerous. 

It puts the spotlight on them and distracts from many serious problems like this runaway virus and taking rights away from states where education policy is now and where it belongs, period.

Notice: There is no right to education in the United States Constitution.

But, that legal right for public education is the Constitutions of all 50 states where they, through their duly-elected branches of government, maintain, support, and fund our free public education system for all resident children.

DeVos again is making demands with no sense of how schools can re-open safely. Beneath her disregard for public health is her shocking ignorance about the fundamental nature of authority over public schools in this country in general.

DeVos falsely assumes (like many times before) that she has the power to run roughshod over state officials who that actually have the power and legal right over public schools. 

Her blanket demand that schools open is dangerous in its complete lack of consideration for student and teacher safety.

Ø   She dismisses the risk of spreading COVID-19 among students, teachers and staff in school buildings.

Ø   She offers no guidelines on what or how to safely reopen.

Ø   She refuses to say schools should follow guidance from the CDC, or to even acknowledge that schools will need to close and return to remote learning in the event of an outbreak.

Ø   She threatens to open then potentially in unsafe conditions or lose Federal funds (money later wold be needed to open safely).

Now, when the pandemic has focused the nation’s attention on the essential role of public schools for families and communities, and when they need more, not fewer, resources to safely reopen, she wants to pull the plug on the funds schools must have to safely reopen.

However, DeVos lacks the statutory power to follow through on her threats:

(1) She can’t close schools, and she sure can’t open them either.

(2) She can’t cut Federal education statutes as long as schools deliver education.

(3) She can complain and threaten all she wants, but she has zero power to stop the flow of funds that are appropiated by congress.

My 2 cents: Based on my view and the above, DeVos has to go and ASAP would be just fine. She is stupid, in a job way over her head, and she has a total lack of knowledge or experience about public education or even her official Federal duties. 

This from CNBC and NBC – key points and facts re: the CDC finally releases the long-awaited guidelines for reopening schools this fall with an emphasis on getting students back to class. The guidelines involve the social, emotional, and mental risks of keeping students at home. 

They give a broad outline on how to resume in-person instruction already in line with already recommended things such as: practicing good hygiene, disinfecting surfaces regularly, spacing students, and other social distancing. 

Other recommendations: repurposing unused or underutilized buildings, or moving classes outside when possible, and keeping students in pods where their groups can stay together throughout the school day.

NOTE: The White House emphasized that this new guidance is only a recommendation and will not replace state and local decision-making.

So, memo to Ms. DeVos: Shut your yap

Trump et al have been pressing states to get kids back to school as a key component to return the nation to some semblance of normalcy, and thousands of teachers and staff say it must be prudently done, NOT for political points. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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