Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Trump: No Doubt is Stark-Raving Mad, Paranoid, and Totally Out of Control

Fear of Mail-in Ballots Costing Him 2020 Victory
(The Most-Sacred Part of Society is Our Mail)

Let me be clear on this critical point leading up to expected high volume mail-in voting due to the virus. Trump through his new Postmaster General (Louis DeJoy) – who is a very large campaign donor had this to say about his new USPS policy – apparently now in place with this view of his two main goals: To reduce overall costs and to slow the mail service. 

Media coverage here from the Washington Post and Fortune:

Postal Service memos detail difficult changes, including 
slower mail delivery

For any president from either party to advocate slowing down mail service to benefit their reelection IS NOT leadership; not one bit.

A rational, logical, and normal president would say to the public: “I want the post office and our mail to run smoothly for you as it has since the pony express days ... I will do all I can to keep it running smoothly and on time and especially during this terrible health crisis we face wherein so many of you will have (and want to) vote by mail. That by all standards is safe, secure, and proven effective and as been for decades. That is my pledge to you and everyone in America.”

But, Trump IS NOT that kind of president – it’s not who he is. All we see and hear from this con artist is that which benefits him to win reelection or for financial gain even if that means by slowing down ballots in the mail coming into you, or going out from you. Then he challenges the results and looks around to blame all Democrats or anyone else except himself. That is who he is.

Then add this in from Trump who has said and keeps saying: “…mail-in ballots are corrupt and fraud.”

So, Mr. Trump I ask you: Were all these fraudulent “mail-in votes sent in by corrupt and crooked people?”

FYI: Note that all these mail-in voters are Republicans – oops.

Those who voted by mail-in ballot close to you:

First of all: You, Mr. Trump voted absentee by a mail-in ballot in NY in 2018, and in again in March in the FL GOP primary. In 2017, you tried, but you listed the wrong birth date on absentee ballot request form for the NY mayor's race. You also tried to register to vote in FL in 2019 with an out-of-state address.

Daughter Ivanka Trump-Kushner: She attempted to vote absentee for NY mayor's race in 2017, but she sent the ballot in too late.

First Lady Melania Trump: She attempted to vote absentee in the NY mayor's race in 2017, but she failed to sign the envelope.

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway: She voted absentee in NJ in 2018.

Son-in-Law and White House senior adviser Jared Kushner: He requested an absentee ballot for the 2017 NY mayor's election, but didn’t return it.

VP Mike Pence: He voted absentee in 2018 for both the primary and general elections. He voted by mail in the 2020 Indiana GOP primary.

AG William Barr: He voted absentee in 2012 and 2019 in VA.

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany: She voted by mail in FL 11 times in 10 years.

Your newly-demoted campaign manager Brad Pascale: He didn’t vote at all in the 2016 general election telling CBS “it was because of a series of problems getting his absentee ballot and potential problems with absentee voting.” But, he did vote by mail in 2018.

HHS Secretary Alex Azar: He voted absentee in 2018.

Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross: He voted absentee in FL 15 times in 15 years.

RNC Chairwoman, Rona McDaniel (Sen. Mitt Romney’s niece): She voted absentee in MI in 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2020.

My 2 cents: Trump is a disgusting serial liar and now a USPS tampering fool — all the above proves that beyond any reasonable doubt.

Actually this move by Trump amounts to election tampering and U. S. Mail Tampering – which BTW are Federal crimes. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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