Tuesday, October 8, 2024

GA Elections Board: Gumming Up the 2024 Election Count to Please Trump


GA State Elections Board in Trump's Pocket
(3-2 Guess who favors Trump)

More utter madness in this update on the GA State Elections Board that is total insanity with this headline from PROPUBLICA:

“Skeptics Are Running Some County Election Boards in GA. Their New Rule Could Allow Them to Exclude Decisive 2024 Votes”

An examination of a new election rule in GA suggests that local officials in just a handful of rural counties could exclude enough votes to affect the outcome of the 2024 presidential race.

Brief instruction to this the latest impact: An examination of a new election rule in Georgia passed by the state’s Republican-controlled election board suggests that local officials in just a handful of rural counties could exclude enough votes to affect the outcome of the presidential race. Their rule was backed by national groups allied with Trump.

It gives county boards the power to investigate irregularities and exclude entire precincts from the vote totals they certify. Supporters of the rule, most of whom are Republicans, say it’s necessary to root out fraud. Critics, most of whom are Democrats, say it can be used as a tool to disenfranchise select buckets of voters.

The Original Story: GA State Election Board (5 members:  3 GOP; 2 DEM; and 1 non-partisan appointed chairman) are way out control regarding election results certification reported on here from CBS News and most all other major media outlets with this headline:

“GA Democrats sue over rules they say could block election certifications”

Atlanta — The GA state and national Democratic parties sued to block two recent rules adopted by Georgia's State Election Board (3-2 GOP-leaning vote) that could be used by county officials who want to refuse to certify an election, potentially causing delays in finalizing the state's results.

1. The lawsuit, filed before a state judge in Atlanta, argues the rules violate a state law that makes certification a mandatory duty based on the actual votes and NOT based on personal hunches, guesses, or itchy palms.

Note My insert: The BOE acts as an umpire who reports election results NOT serve as referees who along the way make up or decide new on-the-spot rules willy-nilly. The lawsuit says the rules invite post-election chaos, which the board is defying

GA state law clearly states: “County officials shall certify.”

I Further Note: They are not to change the rules or be a judge along the way just to please Trump, et al).

Fact: More than a century of court precedent in GA finds county officials have no wiggle room.

2. The suit asks the judge to find the rules invalid because the State Election Board, now dominated by 3 Trump allies, is exceeding its legal authority under GA state law.

The BOE vote alarms DEMS & voting rights activists against the raw partisan struggle over procedures that even predate the 2020 election a battle in yet another state over what had long been an admin afterthought: State and local boards certifying results.

My 2 Cents: The general summary of the above once again to measure the ugly nasty impact of that GA BOE 3-2 vote:

Repeat of the Heart of the Issue and the Pending Lawsuit: BOE (3-2 vote) changing the rules invite post-election chaos, that the board is defying state law that clearly says: “County officials shall certify (not change or modify) the outcome.” More than a century of court precedent in GA finds county officials have no wiggle room.

The lawsuit states in this key part:  According to the BOE drafters, these rules rest on the assumption that certification of election results by a county board is discretionary and subject to free-ranging action that the 3-2 board calls:

REASONABLE INQUIRY that may delay certification or foreclose entirely. But that is not the law in Georgia.

Impact if the unlawful rule (3-2 vote) is allowed to stand: It could impact other states as well and disrupt the entire 2024 election voter certification outcome.

The GA highest court, or the GA AG, and /or the GA SOS must overturn that wild and unlawful BOE vote. Now we wait to see, pending a Judge’s ruling now expected any day.

Thanks for stopping by.

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