Friday, August 30, 2024

Project 2025 & Agenda 47: Trump Denies the Harmful Effect of Both Plans

Agenda 47Title of Trump’s 2nd Term Playbook
(He claims no knowledge of Project 2025 – B.S.)

Before you read the awful view and statements below from Trump vis-à-vis federal employees who serve in key positions read this short reminder of the law all civil servants MUST follow:

The Hatch Act of 1939 is the law to prevent pernicious political activities.  Its main provision prohibits civil-service employees in the executive branch of the federal government, except  the president and vice president from engaging in some forms of political activity. 

It became law on August 2, 1939.

Now more scary stuff flowing from Trump’s mouth case in point he will fire federal employees and put in “loyalist to him” not loyal to their job, country, and within their oath of office reported on here from the LA TIMES with this headline:

“Trump's ‘Agenda 47’ calls for sweeping changes to federal workforce”

After one term as president in which his promise to remake the massive federal government mostly came up short, Trump again is raining fury on the “deep state,” pledging if elected in November to replace career civil servants with his like-minded allies.

Watch this short video introduction in Trump’s own words:

If Trump and his GOP vice presidential running mate, JD Vance, were to win then try to remake the federal workforce in the way they have described (absolute loyalty to Trump and not to their oath of  office), it would be the most radical reconfiguration of the U.S. government in 140 years.

How that would happen according to Trump: Critics, including nonpartisan analysts and experts, say Trump’s proposal to replace tens of thousands of civil servants with MAGA loyalists would in essence  resurrect 19th century “spoils system” which Congress scrapped in the late 1800’s due to rampant incompetence and cronyism.

Historical Note: Congress moved to eliminate the spoils system in 1883, about 18 months after disgruntled job-seeker, Charles Julius Guiteau (later hanged for the murder of President Garfield on June 30, 1882),

Guiteau shot and assassinated President James A. Garfield, the 20th president on September 19, 1881, whom he believed owed him a government job.

FYI: For much of the 1800’s on the understanding that individuals won jobs with the government not by proving their expertise, but by having connections to presidents and their parties.

Max Stier, president of the Partnership for Public Service, a nonprofit that analyzes federal agencies and their employees says: “You're now, talking about 140 years of presidential administrations — GOP and DEM — who all supported the proposition that the best way to get an effective government was to have a career, professional, merit-based civil service. So the idea that we would convert that, or return to a 19th-century-style spoils system, is a huge anomaly. It's a radical change.”

Trump has made clear he does not intend to be dissuaded by those who have worked within the government before. He recently offered his emphatic endorsement of a total government housecleaning when he was asked him whether he would restore trust in government by holding federal workers “accountable.”

Trump responded in the video clip above in his own words: “They’ve got to be held accountable. They’re destroying this country. They’re crooked people. They’re dishonest people.” 

He also has made clear his disdain for the FBI, federal prosecutors, and others who investigated him over his efforts to remain president after he lost the 2020 election — among other things.

But he has said little about others he might considercrooked, or which agencies and job categories he would target in a federal workforce of more than 2 million civil servants.”

So, ask yourself: 

1.    Would those ousted include scientists and engineers who support clean energy programs — such as wind and solar power and electric vehicles — that Trump has ridiculed?

2.    Would economists at the nonpartisan Bureau of Labor Statistics find themselves on the street if they were to produce numbers that he did not like?

Note: The official oath of office for all citizens appointed to any Federal office position – also note who their loyalty is to – not to any one person but  to the Constitution.

I (STATE YOUR FULL NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign, and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”


My 2 Cents: All mental health experts agree and conclude that Trump suffers from narcissism, a self-centered personality complex and life style. 

In the extreme it contributes to the definition of narcissistic personality disorder, a psychiatric condition marked by grandiosity, excessive need for attention and admiration, and an inability to empathize – sure sounds like Trump doesn’t it? 

I’ve said before and now again based on the above “Agenda 47 plan and Project 2025 possibly combined that spells the end of democracy in America. Not my opinion but facts based on Trump’s own words those written in the documents.

The man must never be allowed in the White House ever again – just that simple, but believe me he will pull out every trick in his playbook as he seeks a greedy return to power. 

I don’t believe it will happen, but he does and he will fight another election loss just like in 2020 until Hell itself freezes over.

Thanks for stopping by.

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