Friday, June 10, 2022

Russia Ready for 2022 & 2024: Low-cost Cyber Warfare Expected Senators Say

German media reports on Putin tactics
(My translation provided) 

Our 2022 Midterms Theme Should Be: Vigilance based on this story from Business Insider with this headline – key parts follows:

“Top Senate Democrats sound the alarm about Russian interference in the 2022 midterms”

Russia's history of meddling in the U.S. underscores the urgency for 2022, senators say:

In 2016, Russia's interference campaign included hacking into the Hillary Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee to obtain damaging internal emails, attempting to compromise state voter registration databases, and using bot and troll farms to spread misinformation about the candidates and sow division and anger among the American electorate on social media.  

Russia also interfered in the 2016 and in the 2020 elections, the U.S. intelligence community (IC) found, by focusing less on cyber hacking and more on manipulating the information environment through social media, state media, online journals, and proxies. 

As other experts noted to Insider, Russia's primary goal in interfering in the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections was not to boost President Donald Trump, but instead to sow fundamental distrust and undermine confidence in American democracy and institutions.  

Sens. Klobuchar and Reed wrote: Our democracy has been a shining beacon for the world and as we continue to assist Ukraine and our European allies, we must also be vigilant in guarding against threats to our own system of government. With primaries underway for the 2022 midterm election cycle and ongoing preparations for the November general election, it is vital that the federal government does everything in its power to ensure the integrity of our elections against foreign threats. Russia's history of interfering in our last three federal election cycles underscores the urgency of the current warnings.”

As fighting rages on in Ukraine, Russia is waging an information war both at home and abroad:

Putin has gone to extraordinary lengths to control the flow of information in Russia amid the war in Ukraine, vying to keep Russians in the dark on what's truly happening in Ukraine. Moscow has effectively eliminated the independent press in Russia while criminalizing opposition to the war. Those who speak out against Russia's unprovoked war in Ukraine could face up to 15 years in prison, based on a law Putin signed making it illegal to spread fake news on the Russian military.

Meanwhile, Russian state news constantly peppers the Russian public with outlandish and false claims on the war. Pro-Kremlin propagandists have peddled a range of conspiratorial narratives to legitimize the invasion, falsely telling Russian audiences that Ukraine is a Nazi country and that World War III has begun. Russian state news has also claimed that apparent atrocities committed by Russian troops, including the Bucha massacre, were staged or fabricated by Ukrainian forces. 

A feedback loop has emerged between Russian state media and right wing media in the U.S.:

Prominent right wing figures in the U.S., including Fox News host Tucker Carlson, have echoed Russia's propaganda and disinformation on Ukraine. Russian state TV has recycled and applauded Carlson's commentary, which reaches millions of Americans.

For example: As Russia gathered tens of thousands of troops on Ukraine's border in the lead-up to the invasion in late 2021, Carlson parroted Moscow by blaming NATO for Putin's aggression toward Kyiv.

Carlson then said:NATO only exists to torment Putin, but he just wants to keep his western borders secure.”

After the invasion, Carlson also pushed a discredited Russian conspiracy theory that the U.S. was funding bio-weapons development at labs in Ukraine.

The false bio-labs story also found an audience on far right social media channels in the U.S., and among other platforms and forums, highlighting the myriad ways disinformation can spread in today's world. 

Thomas Rid, a professor at Johns Hopkins University and expert on Russian disinformation, told the New York Times in March:People are asking if the far right in the U.S. is influencing Russia, or if Russia is influencing the far right, but the truth is they are influencing each other. They are pushing the same narratives.”

There are no signs that the Ukraine war will end at any point in the near future. As the conflict continues and the economic consequences of it are felt more acutely by Americans, the circumstances could provide an ideal avenue for the proliferation of Russian disinformation in the U.S. — sowing further discord across the country amid a period of historic political divisions. 

Read the original full article at Business Insider here.

My 2 Cents: Two words apply to the 2022 midterms and 2024 presidential races: Be Cautious.

The above history is clear: The Russians played nasty in 2016 and wanted Trump to win, which he did – then he lost in 2020 and they have been trying everything in their playbook to get him back in power for one reason: He would lift sanctions against Putin and they would be happy clams. 

No doubt about that … thus, we must remain alert and on our toes. It’s gonna get very, very ugly. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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