Sunday, May 1, 2022

Sen. Rand Paul: One of the Most-Insulting Disgusting Error-Prone Senators Ever


One of many Sen. Paul rants toward Dr. Fauci
(See classic 2-minute video clip below)

If the GOP regains the majority in Congress in 2022 stand by for turmoil the likes we have never seen before. Case in point Trump 2024 banner now say “Trump 2024: Revenge Tour” (see below) and some vying for the House say “on day-one we will impeach Joe Biden,” and now this from one of the nuttiest Senator now in office Rand Paul from KY. In this fine article from The AP with this headline:

“Sen. Paul wants to investigate origins of CoVID-19”

SMITHFIELD, KY (AP) — U.S. Sen. Rand Paul promised to wage a vigorous review into the origins of the coronavirus if Republicans retake the Senate and he lands a committee chairmanship.

Speaking to supporters at a campaign rally, the libertarian-leaning Kentucky Republican denounced what he sees as government overreach in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. He applauded a recent judge’s order that voided the federal mask mandate on planes and trains and in travel hubs.

Paul said to cheering supporters recently: “Last week I was on an airplane for the first time in two years and didn’t have to wear a mask. And you know what I saw in the airport? I saw at least 97% of the other free individuals not wearing masks.”

Paul has clashed repeatedly with Dr. Anthony Fauci who is the country’s top infectious disease expert, over the government's COVID-19 policies and the origins of the virus that caused the global pandemic.

Note: Paul hates Dr. Fauci and that is as plain as day as seen in the 2-minute senate hearing video – remember this exchange:

Paul now is seeking his third term this year and he has said he's in line to assume a committee chairmanship if the GOP wins Senate control.

Paul said:When we take over in November, I will be chairman of a committee and I will have subpoena power. And we will get to the bottom of where this virus came from.”

Re: Paul’s remarks and to coin Trump’s fav phrase: “He’s on a Witch Hunt” clearly stated in this article and in is previous statements to verbal combat with Dr. Fauci.

Paul also has stated: If you look at the evidence, overwhelmingly, not 100%, but overwhelmingly the evidence points to this virus being a leak from a lab.”

This counters Paul’s rant to Dr. Fauci from KHN here (Kaiser Health News) seen in Paul’s twitter quote below:


That along with many conservatives who have accused Chinese scientists of developing COVID-19 in a lab and allowing it to leak.

However, U.S. intelligence agencies remain divided on the origins of the coronavirus but they believe China’s leaders did not know about the virus before the start of the global pandemic, according a Biden-ordered review that was released last summer.

The scientific consensus remains that the virus most likely migrated from animals in what’s known as a zoonotic transmission.

Those so-called “spillover events” occur in nature, and there are at least two coronaviruses that evolved in bats and caused human epidemics, SARS1 and MERS.

At the Kentucky GOP rally for Paul, Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell, the state's senior senator, also pointed to Paul's opportunity to lead a committee if the GOP wins Senate control.

If that occurs, Paul said:I will become chairman of one of the most important committees in the Senate — in charge of health, education, labor and pensions.”

McConnell was upbeat about Republican prospects in 2022 saying: I've never seen a better environment for us than this year.”

My 2 Cents: I wonder whether the voters collectively will fall for this sustained line of GOP BS.

Yes, it is a ton of both mis- and disinformation about the CoVID virus and whole lot of other issues. 

Hopefully a majority of voters will not fall for it, however, hardcore GOP conservatives will not bend. They will stick with their party’s line (and apparently stick to Trump like glue, too) no matter the danger they or he poses or how great that danger is in the future. 

Just recall January 6 and the aftermath that still continues today not only from Trump, but from many Republicans across the nation and more so in Congress right now - then factor in those running and seeking an office in 2022.

Then, look below at that Trump 2024 banner seen recently at one of his infamous snake-oil rallies banner. That proves my point.

Recall this quote:Revenge is a dish best served cold  

But, I also have faith in the voters – not all of them mind you, but enough to make sure that this Trump owned and operated GOP never regains the majority of Congress or the White House again. 

I and millions of others I suspect want to see us regain some sort of bi-partisan common sense unity – if that‘s ever possible again. 

Time will tell, but I hope that the public will wake up and come to the conclusion that this GOP wants only name, fame, and fortune – we must not vote to allow that.

Thanks for stopping by.

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