Saturday, April 23, 2022

Evidence for Justice Piling Up: Those 11 Plus 2 Below Need Serious Jail Time


Reps. Taylor Greene; Hice; Gosar; Lesko; Perry; Gohmert; Gaetz; Jordan; Boebert; BiggsMo Brooks
(Three new names added)

Meadows Gives Trump List of Conspirators
(Eleven Key GOP House Members)

Updated Post (new source) from the NY Times with this headline:

New Details Underscore House GOP Role in January 6 Planning

A few details: 

WASHINGTON — It was less than two weeks before Trump’s staunchest allies in Congress would have what they saw as their last chance to overturn the 2020 election.

Rep. Scott Perry (R-PA) was growing anxious expressed in his text to Mark Meadows:Time continues to count down: 11 days to 1/6 and 25 days to inauguration. We gotta get going!”

Key Point: It has been clear for more than a year that ultra-conservative GOP members of Congress were deeply involved in attempts to keep Trump in power as they joined baseless lawsuits, spread Trump’s “Big Lie” the lie of widespread election fraud, and they were among the 147 Republicans who voted on January 6, 2021, against certifying President Biden’s victory in at least one state.

Original Post Starts Here: Shocking but not surprising story from Mark Meadows and W/H meeting with eight known rabid ultra-conservative, hardcore Republicans (probably more, too) prior to the January 6 Capitol attack.

This excellent story here from NEWSWEEK with this headline:

Mark Meadows Aide Names Lawmakers in Trump W/H Meetings Leading Up to 1/6

Cassidy Hutchinson, an aide for former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, listed the names of Trump allies, who were involved in meetings and phone calls with the former president and his top aides leading up to the January 6 Capitol riot (according to excerpts from a testimony released in a Federal court filing on Friday, April 22).

According to the court filing, Hutchinson told the January 6 House select committee investigating the Capitol riot that top Trump allies in Congress were involved in efforts to overturn the 2020 election results.

Hutchinson’s testimony included the eight listed below who attended meetings in December leading up to the January 6 Capitol attack:

1. GA Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

2. GA Rep. Jody Hice

3. AZ Rep. Paul Gosar

4. AZ Rep. Debbie Lesko

5. PA Rep. Scott Perry

6. TX Rep. Louie Gohmert

7. OH Rep. Jim Jordan

8. FL Rep. Matt Gaetz

Plans were discussed during those meetings in an effort to extend Trump's presidency including a strategy in which the then-Vice President Mike Pence would play a role in not certifying President Biden's win.

Ms. Hutchinson told the House committee according to the court filing: They felt that he (Pence) had the authority to — pardon me if my phrasing isn't correct on this, but — send votes back to the States or the electors back to the States, and warning Meadows about January 6 violence. I know that people had brought information forward to him that had indicated that there could be violence on January 6. But, again, I'm not sure what he did with that information internally. I just remember Mr. Ornato (an apparent reference to senior Secret Service official Anthony Ornato according to CBS News) coming in and saying that we had intel reports saying that there could potentially be violence on January 6. 

And Mr. Meadows said: All right. Let's talk about it.” 

The select committee also mentioned in the court filing that Meadows turned over 2,319 text messages, but didn't show over 1,000 others, according to Politico.

Doug Letter, House General Counsel, also told Politico: He was not acting as anything like a typical White House Chief of Staff advising the President on official matters of government policy. Mr. Meadows was playing a campaign role, attempting to facilitate a strategy that would have reversed the certified results of the 2020 election.”

This court filing is part of the committee's effort to encourage testimony from Meadows, who is citing executive privilege in response to a subpoena. Newsweek reached out to Trump's media office for comment.

My 2 Cents: Related Jordan and Gaetz story here and my earlier post here.

Now’s the time to apply the Trump and Flynn rally chant: Lock ‘em up all 8 of them, plus Meadows and pending others. 

That would be good for the GOP, but best for the country. 

Now, for the DOJ: “Go get ‘em” and for the House: “Expel them all ASAP.” 

Thanks for stopping by.

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