Monday, February 21, 2022

Trump's GOP Main Goal: Win House & Senate Majority in 2022 and Beyond


How the GOP sees itself under Trump
(One of many polls)

How many Americans see Trump-run GOP

Once again, the “new” Trump-run GOP takes a Biden/DEM proposal, idea, or policy suggestion out of context for their own political gain – e.g., “Biden wants to audit and control any bank deposit over $600.00.”

Simply stated: That is not true. It is totally false.

The details follow.

The Treasury Department posted a fact sheet before a Senate Republican wild news conference, noting that the proposed reporting requirements would help pinpoint unusual circumstances, such as “a taxpayer who reports $10,000 of income, but has $10 million of flows in and out of their bank account.”

The Treasury fact sheet states: “To be clear: The financial reporting proposal does not include reporting on individual transactions of any amount. Instead, banks would add two additional data points to the information that is already supplied to the IRS: (1) How much money went into the account over the course of the year, and (2) How much came out.”

Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID), the ranking Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, said at the news conference that a large number of Americans still would get swept up by the IRS “dragnet,” adding: “The average American runs over $61,000 through their account, on housing ($20,000), transportation ($9,000), personal insurance and etc. ($7,000), the list goes on” (he cited Labor Department data).

Crapo was not the only senator to make some version of the claim that the IRS would be snooping on bank accounts.

Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA), who once served as secretary of the LA Revenue Department, repeatedly said:Americans intimate financial details would be collected,” calling it a “squid-brained idea.”

FYI for Sen. Kennedy: Scientists all say squids and octopuses are the smartest invertebrates.

Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA), the ranking Republican on the Senate Banking Committee and retiring said:We’re going to give all kinds of personal, private information about American citizens to the same IRS that famously discriminated against conservative organizations seeking tax-exempt charters?”

Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) said:We are talking about some of the most private of information being shared, turning bank presidents, bankers, community bankers, credit-union lenders, and clerk tellers into spies for the IRS.”

FYI for Sens. Toomey and Cramer: That level of scrutiny does not appear anywhere in the Democrat proposal.

From two outside banking experts:

1Samantha Jacoby a senior tax legal analyst at the left-leaning CBPP (Center for Budget and Policy Priorities), called these GOP claims complete fabrications saying in an email:The IRS would have no way to monitor individuals’ transactions. Moreover, the modified proposal from Senate Democrats would exempt W-2 wages and federal benefits from the $10,000 threshold. (So for example, an account holder with $50,000 in wages but less than $10,000 in other types of deposits would not be covered.)”

2. Garrett Watson, a senior policy analyst at the right-leaning Tax Foundation, said the new reporting requirements could lead to audits but declined to endorse the senators’ statements, adding in an email: The IRS reporting proposal would share aggregate inflow and outflow information on a subset of bank accounts based on the $10,000 threshold (potentially excluding certain income sources, such as wage income through direct deposit). It’s worth noting, however, that this information may trigger audits in certain situations, which would then potentially include a more detailed examination of bank account activity that otherwise would not happen. The Treasury Department has noted that the audit focus would be on those earning over $400,000, but it’s not clear how this would be measured as a counterfactual or how this would play into IRS auditing decisions.”

All of the following is also related to the “new” Trump-run GOP:

Why the GOP plays dirty (2019).

The GOP is soulless (2020).

The GOP is grave threat to American democracy (2021).

GOP primary fights getting nasty (2021).

Mapped out Voting Rights (2022).

My 2 Cents: All that stated above clearly shows how far this “new” Trump owned and operated GOP go, do, say, try, lie, and deny anything about any issue to paint Biden as evil or worse. 

All the while the GOP ducks their own feeble hair-brained stunts and ideas and policies that prop up Trump and his tons of lies coupled with utter nonsense to get as much political gain and mileage as possible to try and regain power in in Congress, and to ensure that they never lose another election ever. Worse, all the while (over and over) blaming DEMS. 

That in my view would be a disaster just waiting to happen and right now those actions pose a “Clear and Present Danger” to us all and our right to vote in a free, fair, safe, and secure election at any level at any time and place, and not by fly-by-night rule changes made just because your side lost an honest election the way Trump continues to advocate and push about the 2020 election. 

Example of a new GOP voting site for DEMS, minorities, students, and non-Republicans:

Mostly in GOP-run states now in place

Stay tuned and stay on guard for much worse from this GOP, the masters at this newly found brand of Trump disinformation. 

It is going to get far, far worse. All the signs are there – so, stay alert. 

19 states make it difficult to vote 

Thanks for stopping by.

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