Thursday, October 7, 2021

Debt Ceiling Extension: Eleven GOP Senators Join DEMS on Cloture & Passage


Senate Bill blockers put in their place
(Ted Cruz & Rand Paul: Two Nasty Earth Worms)

Breaking story from Politico and other links seen below – Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and his minority GOP in tight jam with this headline on stopping a national default:

GOP grits its teeth as debt-limit patch comes to a vote

Republicans emerged from a tense private conference meeting on Thursday evening (October 7) still uncertain whether they could supply 10 votes to break a Cruz/Paul filibuster on a short-term debt ceiling deal.

Background: GOP Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Senate DEM Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) struck a deal to extend the debt limit through December, lifting the threat of default for two months.

However, the agreement also means Congress will have to address that same issue, along with a new FY funding bill later in late fall.

Enter the Two Senate Spoilers – Ted Cruz (R-TX) & Rand Paul (R-KY): These two blocked a procedural maneuver that would have allowed Democrats to extend the ceiling with 51 votes alone. 

Their opposition undercuts the GOP's effort to paint Democrats as the party that is refusing to raise the debt ceiling since now the DEMS will need 60 votes (to break their filibuster), thus requiring at least 10 Republicans to join their side on cloture and then vote on the bill.

The GOP's #2 Senator, John Thune (SD), their vote counter, told reporters it would be “a painful process for Republicans to shore up 10 votes to help the Democrats break the filibuster's 60-vote rule.”

But he expressed confidence that 10 GOP members could be prodded into voting to shut off Cruz and Paul.

Major Update (late today): Senate votes 61-38 (1 Republican did not vote for the closure: Sen. Burr of NC).

The bill did move forward and in passed by a vote of 50-48 (votes on that were not available at this posting time).

Related: This email from Trump to GOP Senators before their vote today:Republican Senators, do not vote for this terrible deal being pushed by folding Mitch McConnell. Stand strong for our Country. The American people are with you!”

My 2 Cents: It’s a crying shame that one or two senators (from either party) are able to shut down debate on a critically-important bill like this debt ceiling bill to stop a national default on paying our national bills. (Note: Time to end the filibuster rule 100% or to tighten it up with a simple majority to end it).

Such an event (a default) would be a disaster and national shame and disgrace. It would also be the first in our history. All the bill does is simply say we must pay our bills; not new bills, just the old ones now due for payment.

Shame on Cruz and Paul for their stalling tactic. 

And, shame on those other Republicans who voted no on cloture. But, a huge national thank you to those brave 11 who voted yes with all the DEMS for closure.

Thanks for stopping by.

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