Saturday, October 30, 2021

Angriest People Ever: Donald J. Trump and His Misinformed-Disinformed Base


Angry, Misinformed Dangerous People's Leader

Trump saidI heard they like me very much.
Terrorism bulletin: QAnon domestic extremists

Fact: Trump has not and will not concede losing the 2020 election. That is in despite the massive 7 million vote loss; election night results; count, recounts, and re-recounts; then the bogus AZ “Cyber Ninja” audit; losing over 60 court cases; and, now this his latest weak challenge demand to block January 6 documents from disclosure.

This story from Business Insider with this challenge story headline:

Donald Trump is trying to block the January 6 committee from obtaining White House records. A new court filing reveals the documents he is trying to withhold.”

Donald Trump has filed a lawsuit trying to prevent the Jan. 6 committee from obtaining certain White House files.

·  A new court filing reveals the types of documents the former president is attempting to withhold.

·  One former GOP congressman says the files are “surely embarrassing and probably indicting.”

Trump has been trying to block the House committee investigating the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol from obtaining White House records to investigate his possible role in the insurrection.

A new court filing by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) broadly explains the types of documents he is trying to keep from the committee.

The House select committee issued three sweeping record requests from several Federal agencies and former White House officials between August and October. 

Of the 1,600 pages, Trump has asserted executive privilege on some 750 pages. President Biden says he would not hold up the Trump privilege claims.

On October 18, Trump filed a lawsuit against the House committee and NARA to block the subpoenas.

The latest court filing shows that among the documents held in the National Archive, the former president wants to keep privileged are records of his daily presidential diaries, activity logs, and call logs relating to January 6.

He has also asserted executive privilege over files of various former White House officials, including files and handwritten notes of Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and files of former advisor Stephen Miller.

Trump also tried to block the committee from receiving over 629 pages from the binders of former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany

McEnany's binders mostly contained proposed talking points for briefings, along with some documents and statements relating to allegations of election fraud.

Trump is also trying to withhold a draft text of his speech for the “Save America March” on January 6 and a draft proclamation to honor deceased Capitol Police officers Brian Sicknick and Howard Liebengood.

While executive privilege can apply to certain presidential communications, President Biden has said that in this case, it is outweighed by public interest and Congress's need for information about the Capitol riot. 

A bipartisan group of 66 former members of Congress, including 33 Republicans, filed a legal brief urging the courts to dismiss Trump's lawsuit and investigate his role in the riot.

Former FL Rep. Carlos Curbelo, who signed the brief, said on MSNBC: The reason Donald Trump is claiming executive privilege is because he doesn't want people to know the truth because whatever is in those documents is surely embarrassing and probably indicting. He probably thinks it will make it harder for him to run in 2024.”

The committee also filed a legal brief opposing Trump's attempts to prevent them from receiving the files saying: “It is extremely unlikely to win on the merits because the former president's claims of executive privilege are unprecedented and deeply flawed.”

The original article is here from Business Insider.

Related to all this is this story of John Eastman’s memo blasting Pence and his legal counsel about not acting to overturn the election results … stark in its contents.

(My view: John Eastman deserves a very long prison term).

My 2 Cents: As before and simply stated the only way to get this man off the center stage (that he desires 24/7) is to charge, prosecute, try, convict, and jail him to show the public exactly how dangerous he is and has been his whole adult life and remains so today: ask his niece Mary Trump seen in this short video clip.

Then maybe we can return to some sort of political sanity (if that’s even possible) without all this division, rancor, meanness, and ugliness.

Thanks for stopping by.

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