Monday, June 21, 2021

Two American Political Views: One Nation United or Divided in Trump-World


Moving toward two distinct Americas

HQ for the Trumpian version

From this excellent story headline:

Trump regime’s amazing list of crimes keeps getting longer — but we can't afford to look away

Spying on journalists, stealing children, abducting activists from the streets — it could happen again, and worse

Sometimes people refuse to ask a question when they know the answer will be painful. Instead, they convince themselves that not asking the question will make the underlying reality change.

Trump and his regime committed many criminal, evil and otherwise despicable acts in plain sight.

Those include, with no attempt to be comprehensive: 

· A reign of terror against nonwhite migrants and refugees;

· Embracing racial authoritarianism and white supremacy as de facto national policy;

·  Nurturing neo-fascism and other anti-democratic causes and beliefs;

·  Attacking the country's democratic institutions and the rule of law; launching a coup attempt and inciting an attack on the U.S. Capitol;

· Chronic lying about matters large and small, in an effort to subvert the truth and empirical reality;

· Creating a political personality cult;

· Becoming a role model for anti-social behavior;

· Encouraging right-wing terrorism and other political violence;

· Abandoning the people of Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria;

· Engaging in acts of treason and collusion with a hostile foreign power;

· Deploying a secret-police force that disappeared protesters off the streets;

· Amplifying the power of Christian nationalists in their war against secular democracy and the Constitution;

· Turning even more public money to corporate plutocrats; 

· Engaging in democide against the American people by actively sabotaging and undermining pandemic relief efforts;

· Degrading the civil and human rights of Black and brown people and other marginalized groups.

Obvious Fact: The Republican Party and its followers and propagandists are doing everything in their power to sabotage any efforts to investigate the public and private crimes of the Trump regime.

For political expediency reasons or incompetence perhaps coupled with pathological weakness, the Democrats seem all too willing to ignore the Trump regime's crimes in an effort to “move forward and bring the country back to normalcy.”

Critically Important: Trump's box of crimes, malfeasance, and misdeeds is not tightly closed and continues to leak secrets. Ultimately, a hellscape vision of what America might have become in Trump's second term will be revealed.

This fully Trumpified America would have been far worse than even the most cynical and pessimistic critics could likely have imagined.

Here are some recent revelations about the Trump regime and its normalization of political crimes and other anti-social and anti-democratic behavior.

Several weeks ago, we learned that the Trump regime spied on journalists at the Washington Post who were investigating the Russia collusion scandal.

Recent reports reveal that Trump’s regime spied on CNN reporter Barbara Starr. This is part of a broader pattern of retaliation against those media outlets and journalists that Trump views as his enemies.

CNN reports the DOJ told Starr: “That it had obtained phone 'toll records,' which would include calls made to and from the targeted phones and the length of the calls, along with information from her email accounts that revealed recipients, senders, dates, and times although (presumably) not the actual content of her emails. The DOJ did not say why Starr's communications were being sought.”

During the two-month timeframe listed in the letter to Starr, it reported on U.S. military options in North Korea that were ready to be presented to Trump, as well as stories on Syria and Afghanistan.

Also, just recently, it was learned that a little-known office within the Department of Commerce, the Investigations and Threat Management Service (ITMS), spied upon the department's own employees for evidence that they were under foreign influence. 

In practice, at least during Trump's administration, that meant being insufficiently loyal to the then-president's policies and views. Even more chilling, the ITMS also spied on private citizens who raised criticisms of the Trump regime's attempts to manipulate the census — which is overseen by the Commerce Department

We have also learned recently that the Trump regime's notorious border family separation policy, designed to inflict as much harm and cruelty as possible on nonwhite migrants and refugees, was even worse than previously known.

For example: The Hill has a new report from the DHS watchdog (their IG) that found the Trump administration failed to give some parents the option of reuniting with their children before deporting them under its family separation policy.

That report also found out that the Trump administration separated families even in instances when parents facing deportation wished to return to their home country with their children.

The IG wrote, referring to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): “That ICE removed at least 348 parents separated from their children without documenting that those parents wanted to leave their children in the United States. In fact, ICE removed some parents without their children despite having evidence the parents wanted to bring their children back to their home country.”

In another underreported story, we now know that Trump actually wanted the DC National Guard to protect his followers as they gathered at a rally point in DC early on January 6. That rally we now know served as the launching pad for the Capitol attack.

This very detailed story with many valid sources continues here.

My 2 cents: Not much to add to this excellent article.

Please read it carefully – and as I said, there are plenty of valid and linked sources for your research and analysis to verify the facts and see the truth – something the GOP greatly fears.

The best solution for this saga to end is for the Grand Jury in New York to indict Trump and then we can truly see American justice at its very best – working to keep America strong and viable. That is my wish.

My other post kind of related to this topic.

Thanks for stopping by.

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