Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Trump Crazies in High Gear: Trump is Probably Next Since He Has Cash Woes


Five big Trump headliners 
(Top three Lindell, Powell, Rudy Gee
sued for billions)

Pretty disgusting display of former Trump officials in this article from NEWSWEEK re: Michael Flynn and Sidney Powell and other QAnon-related nutcases at a recent conference in Dallas. As well as crazy speeches they held an auction of several signed items by the speakers. 

Case in point:

A baseball bat signed by retired General Michael Flynn was sold for $8,000 dollars at the “For God and Country: Patriot Roundup” conference held in Dallas, Texas this weekend, also many attendees described as the “QAnon conference” due to the beliefs promoted by the keynote speakers and many in attendance, featured Flynn as well as attorney Sidney Powell as keynote speakers, the My Pillow guy, Mike Lindell, and attorney Lin Wood.

Also, a QAnon quilt, which Flynn held up for the audience to inspect, also reportedly sold for thousands of dollars. The blanket — which featured a prominent large letter “Q” — was also signed by Flynn, Wood, and Lindell.

(Note: Why wasn’t the other top loon, Rudy Gee, there, too?).

Flynn served briefly as Trump's National Security Adviser until he was forced out due to his contacts with Russia's ambassador. He later pleaded guilty to lying to FBI investigators about that. He was pardoned by Trump last year.

Powell served as Flynn's attorney and also filed a series of baseless —and often bizarre — election lawsuits in an unsuccessful effort to overturn President Joe Biden's 2020 win. 

Like Flynn and Powell, Wood and Lindell have been key to promoting Trump's baseless claims that the 2020 election was fraudulent, as well as views that align with theQAnon conspiracy theory. 

During the event, Flynn also expressed support for a violent military coup to overthrow the U.S. government as one audience member asked him:I want to know why what happened in *Myanmar can't happen here?” 

Flynn quickly responded, followed by raucous cheers from the crowd, by saying:No reason. I mean, it should happen here.”

* Myanmar Note: On February 1, 2021, democracy died in Myanmar (also known as Burma).

The military arrested the leaders of the nation’s civilian government party, announcing that an unelected general would run the country during a one-year “emergency period.”

Myanmar has since been locked in a bloody internal struggle, as military forces violently suppress citizens who are demanding the restoration of even a semblance self-governance. It’s a horrific and tragic situation, and a massive injustice perpetrated against the Burmese people.

Michael Flynn said in his statement above, and implies, that he wants it to happen, right here in America.

Also, during the conference, Sidney Powell asserted once again that she believes Trump is the legitimate president — not Biden. She said, as the crowd cheered: “He [Trump] can simply be reinstated.” 

Biden should just pack and leave the W/H that is still ready for his [Trump’s] return.


1. Sidney Powell Claims Trump “Can Simply Be Reinstated”

2. Rep. Kinzinger (R-IL) Suggests Rep. McCarthy (R-CA) Minority Leader Allowing Actual Insanity in GOP 

My 2 cents: The GOP in general and their loyalists named above all claim the DEMS are destroying America and are changing us into a mirror of the old USSR somehow or another.

Yet, by all the examples and accounts, it is they who are the culprits, the instigators, the ones behind the gun-toting solution rhetoric and violent language and yes, even the January 6 violent assault on the Nation’s Capitol to overturn the 2020 election to keep Trump in power.

It is true, violent times are here and apt to get far worse. Yet, the GOP keeps moving in that same one direction it seems – that is: To get Trump back in power to “save America” at any and all costs – friends, it will cost a heluva lot.

What we see and hear is all beyond belief … what makes people riot and struggle and act this way. Well, just watch and listen to the GOP – they are good teachers in that regard, yet they are 100% wrong.

But, they are excellent at the selling the violent messages. Real pros at that ploy in fact, but in a negative way, not a positive direction. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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