Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Elected GOP Radicals: Ignore Them, Scorn Them, Brush Aside, Expulsion Best


Rep. Mo Brooks type aplenty in Trump’s GOP

(June 16, 2021): Major update on the following Rep. “Mo” Brooks (R-AL) story from The Hill here with this headline:

Mo Brooks accuses Swalwell attorney who served papers on his wife of trespassing

Key points from the update:

1. Brooks and his wife, Martha Brooks, say Christian Seklecki (DEM hired private investigator) from Georgia illegally entered the GOP lawmaker's home in Huntsville on June 6, and accosted Martha Brooks. They say Seklecki stalked Martha Brooks and that he went into their home without the Brooks' knowledge or permission. Brooks also said he had home surveillance video as evidence.

2. Seklecki said he served the lawsuit on Martha Brooks after entering the open garage door, according to an affidavit of service report.

3. The attorney for Swalwell, Philip Andonian, said no one entered or attempted to enter Brooks' house and added (re: CNN): “That allegation is completely untrue. A process server lawfully served the papers on Mo Brooks' wife, as the federal rules allow. This was after her initial efforts to avoid service. Mo Brooks has no one but himself to blame for the fact that it came to this. We asked him to waive service, we offered to meet him at a place of his choosing. Instead of working things out like a civilized person, he engaged in a juvenile game of Twitter trolling over the past few days and continued to evade service. He demanded that we serve him. We did just that. The important thing is the complaint has been served and Mo Brooks can now be held accountable for his role in inciting the deadly insurrection at the Capitol.”

4. Brooks had previously taunted Swalwell for being unable to serve him the lawsuit, which seeks to hold Brooks personally responsible for the January 6 mob attack on the Capitol. Donald Trump Jr. and Rudy Giuliani, who worked as an attorney for the former president, are also named in the suit. Brooks, close ally of Trump, claims Swalwell is using the lawsuit as political motivation to push the “lie that he and Trump incited the January 6 riot.” 

He said: That news media outlets played a role in Swalwell's narrative as well. CNN and the Fake News Media compounded the Swalwell team lies by maliciously accepting Swalwell's narrative without explaining that the law that puts the burden on the plaintiff to serve lawsuit papers (not the other way around), and without giving my printed rebuttals fair and balanced air time and article space.”

My 2 cents on this update: Brooks is a slob, plain and simple – it's  always his way or no way. Sorry, bub, but as they say in Alabama: “That dawg won’t hunt.”

The original article follows below:

Brooks is tickled to death to fire up an angry Trump mob like on January 6, but if legal lawsuit documents are left in his garage, or with his wife while he’s away from home, well he turns into one cranky insurrectionist.

Some examples of from this man’s evil, nasty, racist mouth are from here – a great article (extracts formatted to fit the blog):

He has ranted on talk radio shows about a “war on whites.”

He tweeted a picture of horse dung.

He said sea level rise was due to rocks falling in the water.

He raged about immigrants, his favorite scapegoat, when making a disjointed, nonsensical argument for pulling the plug on American democracy.

He stood before that January 6 crowd and shouted to them as they cheered wildly:Today is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass.”

He shares cockamamie January 6 conspiracy theories on Twitter accusing mainstream media of rushing to judgment while trying to convince the world that what everyone had witnessed on live TV wasn’t true.

He tweeted: “Evidence growing that fascist ANTIFA orchestrated Capitol attack with clever mob control tactics.”

Note: There is no law enforcement or other evidence whatsoever, none, nil, nada, zero, zilch, goose egg of any Antifa involvement in the January 6 insurrection on the nation’s Capitol – not a single case.

More of his tweets seen here.

My 2 cents: Brooks types show how conspiracies spread and reach others in congress, or those running for congress, or serving in other state and local government positions. That is extremely dangerous beyond description.

Brooks and a few others like him, i.e., Reps. Taylor Greene (GA), Boebert (CO), Gaetz (FL), Gohmert (TX), Jordan (OH), Nunes (CA), and Sen. Johnson (WI) and many like him of that same ilk are clearly by any measurement a “clear and present danger” to the country and our future in more ways than one.

Thanks for stopping by.

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