Saturday, February 27, 2021

Modern-Day Moses: "Golden Don" 2021 CPAC Closing Day Speaker


Exodus 32: Moses Golden Calf Story

CPAC 2021 Moses: Golden Donald

Introduction to the following story is the image above which I call the “Don: The Golden Calf” now at the entrance to CPAC 2021 in Orlando, FL (25-28 February) and the backlash from this story at Market Watch with this headline:

The CPAC ‘Golden Calf’ Trump statue is spurring backlash of biblical proportions

Poll still show that a full one-third of Americans believe President Joe Biden's victory was the result of voter fraud, according to a Monmouth poll and strong ultra-rightwing belief based on Trump’s hype mostly – but keep this in mind:

The Trump mantra of stolen election or rigged election is like Bigfoot, UFOs, or Elvis sightings stories and beliefs: It's a very effective way to sell that product, but a lousy way to establish any credibility.”

Trump’s history of lies (over 22,000), false claims, misinformation, and more importantly lots of disinformation did and still does to a large extent cause serious harm to our entire election process and that in turn generates wild conspiracy theories that is further harm to the general population (e.g., denying the January 6 capitol breach and his role in it).

So many of Trump sycophants obviously never ponder or research or give any thought in depth about what Trump says of being true, false, or anything in between – that is he skill – keeping the con alive for his benefit – not the country’s need to heal and reunite – for example:

#1: There is no evidence that widespread voter fraud that had any effect on the election's outcome – even after numerous counts, re-counts, and state certifications

#2:  That same conclusion was also reached by most GOP officials in battleground states (e.g., in GA Trump lost 5 challenges alone).

#3: Some 60 court decisions also rejected the various Trump challenges and allegations, and that included two from the USSC.

Even with all that aside, a full 32% percent of respondents still believe that Joe Biden won because of fraud – and that continues to be hyped by Trump and is hardcore loyalists, with new members in Congress.

Thankfully, a full 65% fully believe that Biden won the election fairly and squarely.

However, to this very day (and probably the theme of the upcoming CPAC Trump speech) will show that he simply will not let go of his wild conspiracy theory. Keep in mind as I said that even before first ballot was cast he said the election was “rigged” against him.

It has gone full steam ahead ever since that time.

Related story and more here from The Hill.

My 2 cents: Not much to add - thanks for stopping by.

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