Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Trump Sheesh: Holy Spot and I'm Still Holding a Bible & Gas Not Used on People

This is a Solemn Moment. No Fake News. Quiet

Full story here from the Washington Post: Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign sent a message out to news organizations, demanding a correction to articles that described security forces use of tear gas to disperse demonstrators outside the White House on Monday, that allowed Trump to cross the street to pose for photo op at St. John’s Episcopal Church.

Tim Murtaugh, Trump 2020 campaign’s communications director, said in a statement: We now know through the U.S. Park Police that neither they, nor any of their law enforcement partners, used tear gas to quell rising violence. Every news organization which reported the tear gas lie should immediately correct or retract its erroneous reporting.”

Note: The U.S. Park Police had earlier released a statement defending that effort, saying that their use of chemical agents against the crowd came in response to violence from protesters, and that it involved “pepper balls and smoke canisters.” The statement went on to assert that “no tear gas was used” in the Lafayette Square incident.

The truth boils down to an exercise in semantics.

W/H spin: It was only smoke. No it was CS gas
(AP photo that day)

According to the CDC: Riot control agents (sometimes referred to as “tear gas”) are chemical compounds that temporarily make people unable to function by causing irritation to the eyes, mouth, throat, lungs, and skin. Several different compounds fall under this definition, and are employed by security forces, including military and police, in riot control situations. Among others, they include chloroacetophenone (CN), more commonly referred to as “mace,” or pepper sprays — in other words, the compound that was deployed in Lafayette Square — and chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile (CS) the most commonly used tear gases in the world.” (re: British Medical Journal).

I note in military jargon we simply called it “CS gas” not tear gas – it's the same thing. Try and pronounce chlorobenzylidenemalononitrile.

In other words the peaceful protestors were “gassed” because: These compounds are all typically referred to as “tear gas” because their most prominent effect is to bring on tears.

Riot control agents are designed to cause irritation within seconds of exposure, making the exposed want to flee the scene. And indeed, toxicologists advise that getting away from the gas is the best and first thing to do to mediate the impact.

The most common symptoms of exposure, according to the CDC, can include excessive tearing and burning of the eyes, a runny nose, a burning mouth, chest tightness, coughing, skin burns, nausea and vomiting.

My 2 cents: So, yes, the peaceful protestors were gassed, and Trump was flat out wrong via AG Barr to order it. In fact, legal action probably will follow and rightly so. 

A very dark day in American history – brag about that Mr. Trump.

Thanks for stopping by… cough, cough, gag…

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