Monday, June 29, 2020

Trump No Second Term: He May Drop Out Talk Circulating in Some Circles

Final flight back to NYC & total seclusion in Trump Tower
(ASAP or sooner would be better)

Very interesting story here from AlterNet … short introduction and the most interesting part follows: Speculation is that President Trump may pull a Lyndon Johnson and decline to seek a second term and that is beginning to percolate (I especially like the comments from George Conway - yeah, Kellyanne's hubby).

This story from a guy best known for regular cable news appearances: Sam Nunberg, a former Trump adviser and one who still supports Trump who has said: “Under the current trajectory, President Trump is on the precipice of one of the worst electoral defeats in modern presidential elections and the worst historically for an incumbent president.”

Pretty startling statement from Nunberg, isn’t it?

The article’s summary: Wouldn’t it be best to just call the whole thing off with all that is happening: delayed and poor COVID-19 action and reaction, economy off the rails, schools closed, travel at a near standstill, and the virus on a rant in a lot of states and ones that Trump needs (e.g., TX, FL, and AZ just to name three).

Plus, America continues to stick out like a sore thumb as having the absolute worst response in the world to the viral pandemic.

This may be as crazy of an idea as it sounds, but there’s plenty of preparation going on in the other direction. 
  • AG Barr working overtime to use the DOJ as an organ of Trump’s reelection effort.
  • Also, we are seeing dry runs on limiting urban polling stations like recently in Georgia and Kentucky.
  • USPS in real trouble with funding that could impact mail-in voting, which Trump is selling as fraud and not workable (despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary).
  • And, Trump is clearly still banking on lots of cyber and covert Russian assistance in the election cycle.
  • Plus, Trump also recently he asked China (Xi Jinping to help him stay in office to guarantee farming business with them) – story appears in John Bolton’s book.

Article summary and my 2 cents: Therefore, in the end, and if Trump stays in, he’s going to fight dirty on every front as we have never seen before.

That is a given, stay tuned and get ready to duck…!!!

Thanks for stopping by.

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