Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Trump Not Fit to Serve: He Has Lost All Sense of Reality and He Must Be Removed

Testified Under Oath to Tell the Truth and He Did
(Trump now wants DOD to punish him)

Astonishing and shocking story for today (still developing):

Trump wants Pentagon to review whether impeachment witness LTC Alexander Vindman should be punished

WASHINGTON — Trump has now suggested that the Pentagon review the conduct of a former White House NSC aide, Army LTC Alexander Vindman, who played a central role in the Democrats’ impeachment case to potentially consider disciplinary action against him.

NOTE: This ties into my earlier post – same subject here.

Vindman until last week was detailed by the Pentagon to the White House, testified under oath before the House impeachment panel that Trump inappropriately pushed Ukraine President Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden or face losing $400 million in U.S military aid.

Vindman was ousted from that White House job with the NSC just two days after the Senate acquitted Trump on abuse of power and obstruction of justice charges, and he was reassigned by the Pentagon.

Trump has already been sharply criticized for pushing out Vindman and others who crossed him in the impeachment hearings. 

Asked whether he wanted to see Vindman face discipline, Trump said: Military officials can handle him any way they want” but suggested that he expected commanders to review the decorated, 20-year officer’s conduct, saying: That’s going to be up the military. We’ll have to see. They are certainly, I imagine, going to take a look at that.”

Defense Secretary Mark Esper was asked earlier what the Pentagon would do to ensure that Vindman faces no retribution and he said: “We protect all of our service members from retribution or anything like that. We’ve already addressed that in policy and other means.”

Twin brother, Army LTC Yevgeny Vindman, also served on the NSC. He was ousted from his job and has been reassigned to the Army General Counsel’s Office. 

Vindman’s attorney didn’t respond for comment on this issue at this point.

My 2 cents: As I said in my other posts, as president, Trump has the power and right to fire or dismiss anyone who works directly for or under him, and without cause for any reason.

However, doing so for revenge and retribution for someone who was compelled to testify under oath to tell the truth well that demands action against Trump, not LTC Vindman, and ASAP.

This latest action by Trump has to be illegal and unlawful by any standard, and then added to that, firing Vindman’s brother, a lawyer on the NSC (who did not testify), and then recalled (polite word for dismiss or fire) our EU Amb. Gordon Sondland. Clearly in this case, 2 plus 2 certainly equals 4. Two of them testified under oath about Trump and now he wants revenge.

So, how do those GOP senators who voted to keep Trump in office now feel after this display of retribution against LTC Vindman, disloyalty to them, and more so un-American behavior to country as a whole?

Thanks for stopping by.          

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