Saturday, February 29, 2020

Trump, Inc. and GOP 2020: Spread a Ton of Believable Disinformation Far and Wide

Paranoid Just Like Nixon Now Picked Up by Trump, Inc.
(Got my list, checking it twice)

Wake Up, Mr. and Mrs. America
(Time to see the differences)

This post based on Trump's favorite and most-used word  “hoax.

Trump says criticism from Democrats over his handling of the coronavirus epidemic sweeping the globe is “their new hoax.”

He then thundered recently at a SC rally, echoing an emerging Republican talking point: A virus starts in China, bleeds its way into countries around the world, doesn’t spread into the United States because of the actions I took and the Democrats’ single talking point is that it’s Donald Trump’s fault. Democrats want us to fail so badly in fighting the coronavirus that they’re willing to hurt our country.”

Earlier that same day, “acting” White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney called the coronavirus the hoax of the day in an appearance at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, in testimony before Congress, was asked by Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) whether he agreed with Mulvaney’s assessment. Pompeo snapped back:I’m not gonna comment on what others are saying.”

Trump Jr. put it more bluntly appearing on Fox News saying:Democrats were rooting for the coronavirus to kill millions of people.”

This deadly virus  seemed like an unusual topic at the SC raucous rally, which also featured Trump’s signature attacks on the news media and undocumented immigrants, but Trump did acknowledge that the coronavirus was indeed a threat to the U.S. saying:Things happen in life and you have to be flexible. We are preparing for the worst. We are ready, totally ready.”

My 2 cents: GOP’s tactics are clear: They have to blame DEMS for all their woes, crazy statements we hear, and now blame them for this pandemic virus outbreak saying it’s politics for 2020. 

This GOP has collectively mastered Trump’s techniques: Lie and reinforce it until it spreads. Irony, then blame DEMS for uncovering their lies.

Trump and his GOP practice “disinformation” spreading like a seasoned Russian FSB or GRU agent, or some old former KGB pro, as also reported on here and here

Thanks for stopping by.

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