Monday, January 13, 2020

Donald J. Trump, Jr: Another Rotten Apple That Didn't Fall Far From Rotten Tree

Another very, very sick Trump cabal member

Like father like son? What is apparent is that Jr’s mental deficiencies and propensity to name call, insult, and badger people is apparently a Trump family DNA mutation – a bad gene as it were – passed on from daddy to this nasty son.

Donald Trump Jr. posted a photo on Instagram (January 6) of him holding an AR-15-style rifle featuring an image of the kind of cross used during the Crusades, and magazine is adorned with an illustration of Hillary Clinton behind bars.

Nice day at the range,” Trump Jr. wrote in his post, which also refers to the designer and seller of the gun.

The cross is Christianity’s most prominent symbol, appearing in Christian artwork and Western culture to commemorate the biblical account of Jesus’ crucifixion.

The image of four crosses surrounding a larger one, shown in Trump Jr.’s post, is known as the Jerusalem cross and was used during the Crusades.

However, Robin Jensen, a theology professor at the University of Notre Dame who studies Christian art says:At its best, the cross is a symbol of self-sacrifice and divine love. It has many different resonances for people. This is not what you put on a gun unless you’re saying Christians have a right to kill people who aren’t one of us.”

My 2 cents: I let the post speak for itself suffice it to say, this is very sickening story.

More to the point: Most if not all of the Trumps (top to bottom) are able to do, say, imply, lie, and then deny just about anything, and are not really held accountable. What does that say about us a whole?

Thanks for stopping by.

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