Sunday, December 22, 2019

Trump to Zelensky After More Facts Emerge: Like Old TV Show "Let's Make a Deal"

I release the aid and you provide trash on the Biden’s
(Do we have a deal)

Huge breaking news that is any prosecutor's dream:

White House officials requested that aid to Ukraine be held within 90 minutes of President Trump's phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky, according to newly obtained documents. 

While the Trump administration has yet to release a single document subpoenaed by Congress during its impeachment inquiry of the president, the administration was forced to hand over a second round of communications between two government offices that helped withhold $400 million in military aid to Ukraine.

This Update (from NBC News):

Newly released emails regarding Ukraine defense aid held by the White House show that a request to withhold funds came less than two hours after Trump's July phone call with the Ukrainian president that has served as the backbone of the impeachment proceedings against him.

The Center for Public Integrity obtained 146 pages of heavily redacted emails through a FOIA request and court order. That report reveals a discussion between the W/H’s OMB and the Pentagon over the defense aid owed to Ukraine just hours after Trump spoke to Zelensky.

Government officials raised concern over the much-discussed phone conversation as it appeared that Trump improperly asked Zelensky to investigate Hunter Biden, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden — one of Trump's chief political rivals in the 2020 election.

The administration put a hold on critical defense aid for Ukraine as early as the week of July 18, one week before the phone call between Trump and Zelensky, at the direction of acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney (from two administration officials and a senior Democratic aide briefed by the State Dept. told NBC News in September).

The funds were eventually released on September 11. In a statement to NBC News the OMB sought to play down the significance of the new emails.

OMB spokeswoman Rachel Semmel said: “It’s reckless to tie the hold of funds to the phone call. As has been established and publicly reported, the hold was announced in an interagency meeting on July 18. To pull a line out of one email and fail to address the context is misleading and inaccurate.”

The Pentagon did not immediately respond to a request for comment by NBC News. What triggered that?

Mike Duffey, a political appointee serving as associate director for national security programs at the OMB wrote on July 25 to OMB and Pentagon officials saying:Based on guidance I have received and in light of the Administration's plan to review assistance to Ukraine, including the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, please hold off on any additional DOD obligations of these funds, pending direction from that process.”

It then appeared that those involved felt the hold could be problematic, considering Duffey wrote to officials in his office and at the Pentagon to keep it all close their chest, when he wrote that precisely on the same afternoon that Trump called Zelensky:Given the sensitive nature of the request, I appreciate your keeping that information closely held to those who need to know to execute direction.”

The emails also provide insight into administration officials' feelings once the funds are finally released, though their reasoning for distributing the aid suddenly appears to be redacted.

Elaine McCusker, Pentagon's comptroller, said there was “increasing risk of execution in continuing to hold the funds.”

Then three House committees announced that they would launch a wide-ranging investigation into the allegations against Trump two days prior to the release.

On September 11, Duffey shared his feelings of relief to back to McCusker a few hours after alerting her that he would be releasing all of the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative funds saying: “Glad to have this behind us.”

My 2 cents: I believe this is the same as Nixon’s Watergate/White House tapes exposure clearly showing Trump’s corruption by design scheme. As apparent as the nose on his face. 

This should turn many GOP senators against him just like in the Nixon case once those tapes became public.

Trump did not withhold funds from Ukraine out of U.S. policy concerns, he did it to blackmail Zelensky into getting damaging info on Joe Biden that would benefit him politically and that is as plain as day and many OMB officials were involved including, BTW Mick Mulvaney who is still officially the OMB director while also serving as Acting W/H CofS too.

This is final nail meeting Trump’s coffin in my view.

Thanks for stopping by.

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