Sunday, December 29, 2019

Trump Defense No Witnesses or Documents: Why Not — Would Prove His Guilt

Right in the center of Trump's Inner Crime Circle
(Bigmouth Mick Just Get Over It Mulvaney)

Trump and his followers say he has nothing to hide – he is not guilty of anything. 

So why not allow all witnesses to the Ukraine mess and documents related therein to be public and part of the upcoming Senate trail? Simple, it would seal Trump’s doom – case in point is this is breaking news again centered around Mick Mulvaney

WASHINGTON — Deep into a long flight to Japan aboard Air Force One with President Trump, Mick Mulvaney, the acting White House chief of staff, dashed off an email to an aide back in Washington, writing: I’m just trying to tie up some loose ends. Did we ever find out about the money for Ukraine and whether we can hold it back?”

It was June 27, more than a week after Mr. Trump had first asked about putting a hold on security aid to Ukraine, an embattled American ally, and Mr. Mulvaney needed an answer.

That Mulvaney aide, Robert B. Blair, replied that it would be possible, but not pretty writing:Expect Congress to become unhinged if the White House tried to countermand spending passed by the House and Senate.” 

He then added that it “…it might further fuel the narrative that Mr. Trump was pro-Russia,” (sic)

Blair was right, even if his prediction of a messy outcome was wildly understated. Trump’s order to hold $391 million worth of sniper rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, night vision goggles, medical aid and other equipment the Ukrainian military needed to fight a grinding war against Russian-backed separatists would help pave a path to the president’s impeachment.

The Democratic-led inquiry into Trump’s dealings with Ukraine this spring and summer established that the president was actively involved in parallel efforts — both secretive and highly unusual — to bring pressure on a country he viewed with suspicion, if not disdain.

One campaign, spearheaded by Giuliani, the president’s personal lawyer, aimed to force Ukraine to conduct investigations that could help Trump politically, including one focused on a potential Democratic 2020 rival, former Vice President Joe Biden.

The other campaign, which unfolded nearly simultaneously but has gotten less attention, was the president’s demand to withhold the security assistance.

By late summer, the two efforts merged as American diplomats used the withheld aid as leverage in the effort to win a public commitment from the new Ukrainian president Zelensky, to carry out the investigations Trump sought into Biden and unfounded or overblown theories about Ukraine interfering in the 2016 election.

Interviews with dozens of current and former administration officials, congressional aides and others (on live TV), previously undisclosed emails and documents, and a close reading of thousands of pages of impeachment testimony provide the most complete account yet of the 84 days from when Trump first inquired about the money to his decision in September to relent.

What emerges is the story of how Trump’s demands sent shock waves through the White House and the Pentagon, created deep rifts within the senior ranks of his administration, left key aides like Mulvaney under intensifying scrutiny — and ended only after Trump learned of a damning whistle-blower report and came under pressure from influential Republican lawmakers.

My insert: In short they started changing their stories after they got caught after the dastardly deed and that spin failed miserably.

In many ways, the havoc that Giuliani and other Trump loyalists set off in the State Department by pursuing the investigations was matched by conflicts and confusion in the White House and Pentagon stemming from Trump’s order to withhold the aid.

Full unedited story continues here – check it out – it fills in a very large part of this still unfolding saga.

My 2 cents: Not much to add to this story except to say I strongly believe more damaging evidence is out there against Trump and that is precisely why he and his legal team do not want witnesses or documents as part of the trial and that my friends is very un-American. 

People if innocent should demand all the witness testimony possible as well as any documents to prove their innocence, and that is of course the exact opposite in this case: Trump is not innocent

Thanks for stopping by.

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