Saturday, December 14, 2019

Trump CinC: Smarter than the Generals He Says, But Can't Find North Korea on a Map

A Satellite View of North and South Korea
(Brightest Light is Capital of Seoul)

Absolutely amazing story showing depth of Trump's knowledge of or anything about North Korea. In in a word it simply does not exist with Trump; nada, nil, zero, zilch, goose egg:

Link and proof in this story from The Guardian and elsewhere, too BTW.

Trump is a shrewd highly-skilled con artist but other than that he is not so smart or even bright - case in point:

He was shown the map of Korea and thought the very dark North was an ocean but was told it was NK with very few lights.

He then asked what all those bright lights to south were, and was told it was Seoul a mere 30 miles from the DMZ (separating North and South since 1953 - end of the Korean War) and the capital with a population of 25 million. FYI: The capital of North Korea is Pyongyang with a population of some 3 million.

He then said:Well then they should move and not be so close to NK tell them to move now and also to Evac all Americans out of South Korea.” 

When he was told that was dangerous and impossible, he shouted: Just do it…!!!”

My 2 cents: Yeah that's (y)our president, Mr. and Mrs. Amerika… deal with it, right.

FYI: Pyongyang at night not too bright and Trump also is not the brightest bulb on the tree, either, sadly.

Thanks for stopping by.

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