Saturday, November 30, 2019

Trump: Still Peddling His Wild, False, Crazy 2016 Election Conspiracy

FOX 1st Source to Spew Lies, Conspiracies, and Nonsense
(2nd is Tweeting)

Story introduction

(Shortened to 7-minute rant)

Very long post but good record to date:

Based on this story today from Bloomberg News (Oct 13), the following is a good review of current events vis-à-vis Trump and his shenanigans to head off his impeachment – which is about to swing into high gear.

Hunter Biden and Trump’s unfounded attacks – a lot to unpack here from the NY Times (via MSN) – the main highlights that I gleaned follow this short reminder of how we got here in the first place:

What landed Trump in so much hot water is his phone call on July 25 with Ukrainian President Zelensky, as he then steered the conversation toward what Trump depicts as a scandal that could bring down Biden (a 2020 rival) by saying: “There’s a lot of talk about Biden’s son.” However, there’s little to back up the suspicions.

Hunter Biden as a civilian worked with Burisma, an energy company in Ukraine that had come under corruption scrutiny – why?

Its founder, Mykola Zlochevsky, served as Ukraine’s minister of ecology and natural resources under former President Viktor Yanukovych, who was swept from office by mass protests in 2014.

Following that uprising, Western governments pressed Ukraine’s new leaders to investigate corruption. One of the initial subjects was Zlochevsky, who was accused of money laundering and abuse of power. Zlochevsky has denied any wrongdoing.

What criminal charges came out of all that? Short answer: None.

NOTE: Burisma issued a statement in 2017 saying that “all legal proceedings and pending criminal allegations” against it and Zlochevsky were closed and that it paid an extra 180 million hryvnias ($7 million) in taxes. To date, no known evidence that any of the investigations ever involved Hunter Biden.

Plus, Ukraine’s former prosecutor general, Lutsenko, told Bloomberg News in May that there was no evidence of wrongdoing by the Bidens.

NOTE: Now, this latest and major update on the above from follows below:

A lot has been written in recent months about Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company, and Hunter Biden, who sat on the company’s board of directors when his father, Joe Biden, was vice president. Not all of it has been accurate.

NOTE:  Erroneous posts circulating on social media and viral headlines falsely claim that the head of Burisma has been “indicted” by Ukraine’s prosecutor general. No such announcement has been made.

Ukrainian Prosecutor General Ruslan Ryaboshapka did announce last month that his office would review a number of previous cases involving senior officials who worked under former President Viktor Yanukovych, including some cases related to former Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Mykola Zlochevsky

Zlochevsky is the founder of Burisma, which had been the focus of previous investigations. (Hunter Biden’s relationship to Burisma was alluded to in the July phone call between Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky, which has spurred the House impeachment inquiry into Trump.)

On November 20, the same day the falsehood about the “indictment” began to circulate, Reuters reported that Ryaboshapka announced his office had expanded the existing probe to investigate suspicions of Zlochevsky “embezzling state funds” on “an especially large scale,” but few details were provided and the probe was “effectively on hold” because Zlochevsky’s whereabouts were unknown.

NOTE: False word of an “indictment” evidently was a misrepresentation of a separate press conference earlier the same day, in which two Ukrainian members of Parliament floated a number of claims relating to Zlochevsky and corruption in Ukraine. Among the claims was an unconfirmed allegation that the company paid Hunter Biden and three other board members — his investment company partner Devon Archer, former Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski, and investment banker Alan Apter — about $16.5 million.

The previous investigations into Zlochevsky concerned “tax violations, money-laundering and licenses given to Burisma during the period where Zlochevsky was a minister,” according to Reuters. 

Zlochevsky served as minister of ecology and natural resources from 2010 until 2012; he was also a deputy secretary for the country’s National Security and Defense Council from 2012 to 2014.

NOTE: The time period of the new allegations of embezzlement isn’t clear, so we can’t say if the expanded probe includes the time when Biden served on the board.

As we’ve previously written, Hunter Biden served on Burisma’s board from 2014 to 2019. Biden reportedly made up to $50,000 per month for his role — which therefore could have amounted to $3 million during his time on the board from April 2014 to April 2019.

In an interview with ABC News, Hunter Biden was asked about reports that he made $50,000 per month at Burisma. He said that, as a private citizen, he did not have to answer questions about how much money he earned and added: “But, it’s all been reported.” 

NOTE: Finally, in October, when Prosecutor General Ryaboshapka announced this new review of previous investigations relating to Zlochevsky, he told Reuters that: “He was not aware of any evidence of wrongdoing by Hunter Biden,” according to Reuters reporting.

So… What does Trump say all that?

Without substantiation, he said and tweeted (as usual) that the Biden family: “Was paid off, pure and simple” and accused “the family of corruption, extortion and pillaging foreign countries.”

He’s called them “stone-cold crooked” and publicly urged Ukraine and China to open criminal investigations of them.

NOTE:  Trump’s contention is that Hunter Biden flew to Beijing aboard the vice president’s aircraft and left a billionaire – the episode he wants China to investigate.

NOTE: That also isn’t supported by the available facts, and China said no to any investigations that Trump wants.

Where does Joe Biden fit in?

Biden, as the Obama administration’s point person on Ukraine, pressed successfully for the ouster of Viktor Shokin as Ukraine’s prosecutor general in 2016.

At the heart of the allegation by Trump and his attorney, Rudy Giuliani, is that Biden did so to derail an investigation into Burisma.

NOTE: Trump Ad for 2020 now says:Joe Biden promised Ukraine $1 billion if they fired the prosecutor investigating his son’s company.”

That TV commercial is now running in states holding early presidential primary elections.

So, what evidence suggests that was Joe Biden’s motive?

Again, pretty much none. The problem with Shokin, in the eyes of many U.S. leaders, most of our Western allies, the IMF, and many Ukrainians, wasn’t that Shokin was being too aggressive about corruption, but that he was being far too lax.

Bloomberg reported that prosecutors in Ukraine had shelved the investigation into Zlochevsky by 2015, meaning Hunter didn’t stand to benefit from the prosecutor’s ouster.

NOTE: Vitaliy Kasko, who pursued the case against Burisma’s owner as deputy prosecutor and is now first deputy prosecutor in the new government, told Bloomberg News that there had been no U.S. pressure to close that case. 

Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko also told Bloomberg News that Biden never asked him to close any cases.

So, where did all these allegations come from?

The notion that Hunter Biden and father Joe Biden could be complicit in Ukrainian corruption was first aired in a 2018 book by conspiracy writer and editor at Breitbart news, Peter Schweizer. The book is called: “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends.”

Schweizer, is also president of the Government Accountability Institute, a nonprofit group founded by former Trump political adviser Steve Bannon. The group’s board chairwoman is Rebekah Mercer, a prominent Trump supporter.

NOTE: Trump even cited Schweizer by name in some of his Twitter attacks on the Bidens.

However, even in his book, Schweizer doesn’t allege that any laws were broken by either of the Bidens.

The Hunter Biden-China connection – mostly in Trump’s mind and again without an ounce of evidence.

Trump suggested (October 3) that China showered $1.5 billion on Hunter Biden in order to influence his father and win favorable trade deals with the U.S. saying on the W/H South Lawn: “That’s probably why China for so many years has had a sweetheart deal where China rips off the U.S.A. because they deal with people like Biden where they give the son a billion and a half dollars. You know what they call that? They call that a payoff.”

Detailed background: Companies associated with Hunter Biden or his business partners have struck several deals involving China over the past decade.

In fact, so has offers been made with Trump’s own relatives (Ivanka and Jared Kushner to name two big ones) which is something Trump never mentions in his now almost-daily accusations against Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden.

But, while the extent of Hunter Biden’s business dealings with China is not entirely clear, no evidence has emerged of how much money the younger Biden may have earned or not.

In fact, his lawyer says he earned nothing from the venture that the president is apparently citing.

Nor is there any evidence that his father traded favors with the Chinese government to help his son.

Those Trump attacks follow weeks in which he has accused Hunter Biden of improperly profiting in Ukraine from his father’s position.

Trump’s attacks also come after a string of controversies involving members of Trump’s family and China, most of them unfolding after he was elected that he never mentions.


1.  Daughter Ivanka’s company was awarded several potentially valuable trademarks by the Chinese government, including one for voting machines.

2.  Jared Kushner’s real estate company tried to sell its troubled investment in a Manhattan skyscraper to a prominent Chinese firm.

3.  Nicole Meyer, Jared Kushner’s sister and family executive, used her connections to Trump when she pitched Chinese investors in Beijing to buy into a development in New Jersey with a promises of visas for $500,000 and path to a “Green Card.”

FYI from Hunter Biden’s lawyer:Hunter Biden has not been compensated for being on the board of directors, nor has he received any return on his investment to date. And, although BHR has been involved in a number of business deals, there have been no distributions to the shareholders since Hunter has been an equity owner, now over two years.”

All this is directly related to Trump’s pressure on Ukraine’s president to find dirt on Joe Biden for the arms deal that Trump was holding up and Javelin anti-tank weapons that Ukraine wanted to buy – here from the Washington Post (via MSN) and especially from former Special Envoy, Kurt Volker.

Volker then told House investigators on that he had warned Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani that Giuliani was receiving untrustworthy information about Joe and Hunter Biden.

My 2 cents: This will get much uglier through 2020 and mostly from Trump and his rotten campaign name-calling, insults, and degrading of Joe Biden and his son as outlined above. 

That is how Trump is wired: He says something, anything, and he expects it to be believed no matter what the facts and truth show otherwise.

Trump pretty much stays in a nasty, evil, personal attack mode 24/7.

So, stay tuned – it’s gonna be ugly right to the end.

Thanks for stopping by.

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