Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC): Prejudges Impeachment Evidence Won't Even Read It

Judicial Comm. Chair. Prejudges Evidence on Trump 
(Will give him a pass no matter what it seems)

HEADLINE: Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) on BS impeachment inquiry: “Testimony won't change my mind, because I won't read it…”

This story from here (with short video clip).

What a nasty Judicial Committee Chairman Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) has turned out to be.

Now he prejudges evidence and ignores even reading the testimony of key witnesses.

Does he think all those speaking out against Trump and his actions vis-à-vis the Ukraine bribe to get them to look for dirt on the Biden’s, or trying to put the 2016 DNC hacking on them and NOT Putin/Russia are all liars and unsavory long time public servants and not worthy reputable witnesses?

That sure seems so… he and Trump are both pathetic and truly unworthy of holding any public office of trust let alone be the chairman of any key Senate committee –

My 2 cents: Maybe this just in from Reuters news will change Sen. Graham’s mind: Impeachment public hearing to begin next week.

Thanks for stopping by.

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