Saturday, November 23, 2019

Rep. Devin Nunes: Met Ukraine Prosecutor in Vienna About Joe and Hunter Biden

Indicted Giuliani Pal Lev Parnas Fingers Rep. Devin Nunes
(Nunes is 1st Class Trump Sycophant)

As you read this, recall this famous quote: “And now you know the rest of the story.”

Also, related updated site here.  Original post follows: 

REP. DEVIN NUNES (R-CA): President Trump had good reason to be wary of Ukrainian election meddling against his campaign.”

THE FACTS: That’s not credible. The theory that Ukrainians interfered in the U.S. election and that Democrats cooperated in that effort is unsubstantiated.

Fiona Hill, who was Trump’s special assistant to Trump on the NSC testified it was a “fictional narrative.” In fact, Trump “was told by his officials that the theory was completely debunked” long before he pressed Ukraine to investigate it – that official was Tom Bossert, Trump’s first homeland security adviser.

Broadly, the theory contends that a hack of the DNC in 2016 was a setup designed to cast blame on Russia but actually was cooked up by or with the help of Ukrainians. But the evidence points conclusively to Russia, not Ukraine. 

And S/C Mueller indicted 12 members of Russia's military intelligence agency and concluded that their operation sought to help Trump's candidacy, not Hillary Clinton’s, as the conspiracy theorists and Trump have it.

NUNES:Trump also has good reason to be wary “of widespread corruption in that country.”

THE FACTS: But the hearings have produced bountiful testimony that Trump was singularly focused on making Democrats the target of Ukrainian investigations and the committee is reviewing whether Trump pressed Ukraine for a political “favor” to investigate Democrats in exchange for the aid, as a whistleblower alleges and others have testified. 

Plus, Trump had $391 million in congressionally approved assistance withheld from Ukraine from July to September.

DOD had already certified to congressional committees on May 23 that Ukraine had made enough progress on reducing corruption, and before the July hold on that aid, Trump had approved sending aid to Ukraine nearly 50 times without holding for corruption concerns.

Witnesses testified that Trump did not articulate concerns about Ukraine corruption other than expressing interest into investigations that would benefit him politically, and proven in his July 25 call to Ukrainian President Zelensky as they discussed military aid Trump said: “I would like for you to do us a favor, though. Investigate Joe Biden, his son and Democrats going back to the 2016 U.S. election.”

Trump was citing in part the discredited conspiracy theory involving Ukraine in that election.

THE JOE AND HUNTER BIDEN GOP THEORY: As vice president under Obama, Biden joined a chorus of global pressure (most EU nations and world banks, et al) calling for Ukraine to fire state-prosecutor Victor Shokin and they did in time.

Trump and Nunes claim and say that Joe Biden wanted Shokin out to protect his son when Hunter Biden and his employer, Burisma. Shokin himself claims he was fired at the behest of the former vice president to ease pressure on Burisma and Hunter Biden. 

Note: That claim has been debunked by many current and numerous Ukraine officials.

Joseph Bondy, an attorney for Lev Parnas (indicted associate of Giuliani who is Trump's personal lawyer) confirmed that Parnas was willing to testify to Congress that ranking member Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) (close ally of Trump) met with Shokin telling NBC News: “I can confirm that Victor Shokin told Lev Parnas that he had met with Nunes in Vienna in late 2018, and that Derek Harvey (Nunes’ investigator) and told them they were investigating activities of Joe and Hunter Biden related to Burisma.”

RELATED: This story of the offer of testimony was first reported by CNN.

Then the Daily Beast reported that Parnas himself helped to arrange meetings in Europe last year for Nunes.

Nunes has been one of the president's most ardent supporters as he faces impeachment proceedings.

NBC News reached out to Nunes and to House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA), but neither responded immediately.
In a statement to Breitbart News, Nunes called the CNN and Daily Beast reports “demonstrably false and scandalous.”

My 2 cents: If this story is true (three reputable reports) then Nunes must be removed from the House IAW Article I, Section 5, of the United States Constitution which provides: “That each House [of Congress] may determine the Rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member.

All statements made by Nunes during the Trump impeachment inquiry should be stricken from the congressional record.

In the meantime, he must be banned from any congressional committee service.

If not removed, then hopefully the voters in his district will toss him out in November 2020 election. He is unfit to hold any government office of trust. This is truly an astonishing story.

Thanks for stopping by.

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