Friday, October 25, 2019

Trump Again Using Barr & DOJ for His Vendetta: Darkness Hangs Over Entire Nation

Middle Against Others to Include Obama and Hillary 
(Plus, most media and all DEMS)

Hope: Massive 2020 voter turnout to reverse course

This amazing story comes from the Daily Beast and The New York Times

Trump gets AG Barr to order the DOJ to open a criminal investigation into the origins of the 2016 Mueller Russian probe, seen as a move by Trump solely to target those he deems to be his “political enemies and to discredit the Mueller report.”

Related: A DEM enemies list that the GOP-connected righties have internet shopped it went kerplunk. It collapsed like the proverbial lead balloon. That according to this fine story from the Daily Beast here in part:

Trump’s allies in Congress and the pro-Trump media are scrambling to find a counter-narrative to the Ukraine impeachment investigation that can shore up Republican support, even crashing closed hearings in some kind of misguided protest. 

In theory, finding allegations to throw back at Democrats shouldn’t be that hard for Trump’s media allies. They already have the playbook and pundits left over from the response to former special counsel Robert Mueller’s probe. But this time around, the narrative keeps getting scrambled — new damning witness testimony comes out of another hearing, or Mick Mulvaney badly botches another press conference.  

Now, with few appealing options left, they latched onto their most- ridiculous claim yet: Portraying a mundane social media search tool as a deep-state conspiracy theory. 

For the past week, Trump ally and Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton and a chorus of conservative media voices have been fuming over a supposed “enemies list compiled by the State Department and filled with right-wing Twitter characters.

But as it turned out that the supposed list, if it existed at all, was just a run-of-the-mill social media search platform part of a widely available web analytics tool named: CrowdTangle.

Original post continues from here:

Two sources cited by the Times say the DOJ has shifted its existing administrative review of the origins of Robert Mueller's investigation into a criminal inquiry, a move that gives Connecticut U.S. Attorney John Durham, the prosecutor in charge of the probe, the power to issue subpoenas for witness testimony and documents, to enlist a grand jury, and to file criminal charges. (Durham previously only had the power to voluntarily question people and examine government files).

It is not clear what the alleged crime is that prompted the criminal investigation; federal investigators, however, are only required to have a “reasonable indication” that a crime has been committed in order to open such an investigation. (This standard is much lower than the “probable cause” required to obtain search warrants).

This shift is bound to anger House Democrats, who are already looking into Trump’s pressure on Ukraine to probe the DOJ’s 2016 election investigation as part of the ongoing impeachment inquiry into an alleged quid-pro-quo.

Also report here from ABC News:

For Trump, this major shift bolsters his three-year effort to discredit the Russia investigation as a hoax and a fraud conducted by bitter government partisans.” 

For Trump, however, the decision raises a new round of questions about the independence of AG Barr and the use of the DOJ to further Trump’s personal goals.

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), Chairman House Judiciary Committee and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), Chairman House Intelligence Committee (a joint statement said):These reports, if true, raise profound new concerns that the Department of Justice under Attorney General William Barr has lost its independence and become a vehicle for President Trump’s political revenge. If the Department of Justice may be used as a tool of political retribution or to help the President with a political narrative for the next election, the rule of law will suffer new and irreparable damage.”

My 2 cents: To coin Trump's own phrase: It's a witch hunt – a hoax – a scam – another Trump con. 

Basically now, Trump and his sycophants are reaching for straws and truly pïssïng up a rope. A very sad day in American history for sure.

Finally, my personal view and maybe the view of many others, too.

AG Barr is the AG for the entire country and NOT for Donald J. Trump personally like his personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, et al.

He should start acting like the country’s AG and run the DOJ accordingly and not for any Trump personal vendetta. Otherwise, the House and Senate should both move swiftly to have him removed by any legal means possible. 

Thanks for stopping by.

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